Minecraft Maps / Challenge & Adventure

Spire of Souls: Titanfall

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Carnivore's Avatar Carnivore
Level 41 : Master Engineer
Spire of Souls: Titanfall is here!

Shrine of Ascendance is the center of the arcane, burried deep in the mountains. For thousands of years it has remained pure, but with it's growth it has attracted malefic beasts from the outer world, beasts of voids who seek to twist the essence.

Ancient protectors who remained on guard of the shrine have been corrupted, their minds distorted and their souls afflicted. Those whom oathed to perserve clarity are devastated, driven to madness by the foreign occupiers and now seek vengeance of those who dare to enter their realm.

The tampered complex which once was the home of peaceful and knowledgable races has now become a life-sucking bastion where even the most brave shivers. Now is your time hero, to battle for the Spire of Souls.

Are you prepared?

Challenger Yourself

Clash with the beast who corrupt the shrine and the twisted protectors whom do not resemble themselves anymore. Conquer their portals on Normal and Challenger difficulties and receive the reward you've earned. Challenger difficulty rewards the most prestige items and advancements.

Can you handle the heat of battle?

Unique Encounters

The first wing of Spire of Souls allows you to travel through the entrance to the sanctuary of the arcane, slaying the remaining protectors of the old time and battling creatures who seem to conquer the bastion.
Storm through the first wing to the Shrine of Ascendance, slaying the remnants of a renowned past:
  • Timewarp Bastion
  • Overseer's Palace
  • The Colosseum
  • The Iron Railway
  • Lifebinder's Aid


Additional Pages

MinecraftMaps Page: www.minecraftmaps.com/adventure-maps/spire-of-souls-skyreaver
MinecraftForums Page: www.minecraftforum.net/forums/mapping-and-modding-java-edition/maps/2896940-skyreaver-spire-of-souls-titanfall

Feel free to contact us in the comments!
CreditPlutouthere, lentebriesje
Progress100% complete

40 Update Logs

Spire of Souls: Titanfall, Hotfix 7 : by Carnivore 08/14/2019 7:33:25 amAug 14th, 2019

Update 2.5.2:
  • Fixed an issue where AoE damage was not affecting players in certain areas
  • Fixed an issue where players could still deal damage to Kormog during intermissions

Update 2.5.2 is available through the download link

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08/23/2019 10:24 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
enminao's Avatar
Do i need any mods or texture pack to play this game?
08/24/2019 10:54 am
Level 41 : Master Engineer
Carnivore's Avatar
No mods or resourcepacks are required. However, there is a resourcepack that is applied when playing the map that features custom sounds, and, of course, textures.
12/30/2018 7:40 am
Level 1 : New Miner
304Gamer's Avatar
can we play in multiplayer?
12/30/2018 7:51 pm
Level 41 : Master Engineer
Carnivore's Avatar
This map has not been test in multiplayer mode and I can't guarantee it'll function as intended.
12/30/2018 11:07 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
304Gamer's Avatar
04/07/2018 10:08 pm
Level 41 : Master Engineer
Carnivore's Avatar
Leave a comment down below to let us know if you enjoyed our map or not. We'll be waiting for feedback!
if you've encountered a bug, please submit it to us through our website: www.skyreaver.net/support-helpdesk

Thank you for playing and stay tuned for more updates!
04/06/2018 10:47 pm
Level 1 : New Mage
emeraldcore71's Avatar
I love this map! The boss fights are so unique!

For some reason I can't complete the tutorial trials any more. When I step on the quartz it doesn't teleport me to the spire of souls entrance. There are some bugs with Overseer Naara. Sometimes she doesn't show up (on challenger mode). Her hatchlings and illusions don't attack me. Sometimes when I kill her illusions, she doesn't reappear.
04/07/2018 9:40 am
Level 41 : Master Engineer
Carnivore's Avatar
I haven't encountered an issue yet where the quartz shrine wouldn't teleport or boss not returning from their intermission phases (for example - illusions). I'll keep testing of course, might eventually happen.
On another note: hatchlings don't start attacking the player because the mobs are passive by nature and need to be attacked in order to obtain a target. Illusions don't attack because it was designed like that.

Could you upload the world where you can't complete the tutorial and send me a download link? Would greatly appreciate that.

- EDIT -
Found the bug where the shrine wouldn't teleport the players. Thanks for leaving feedback!
04/07/2018 1:05 pm
Level 1 : New Mage
emeraldcore71's Avatar
I deleted the world, sorry.
03/31/2018 3:33 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
spieler6's Avatar
thx that worked the version i downloaded on planet.minecraft was 1.3
