Minecraft Maps / Redstone Device

Slide ruler - an analogue (functional/working) calculator

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Level 57 : Grandmaster Lava Rider
Welcome towards my functional analogue calculator* designed for mshailz Redstone Build Contest
Also, essentially this build is a spiritual successor to the following builds of mine:
- windup tiger in a box (single direction piston-tape project)

To keep the description simple, see for the details & cut-out the image below and browse through the media gallery above (the images below are also in the gallery)

Slide ruler - an analogue (functional/working) calculator Minecraft Map

Please note that this is an very basic slide ruler.
- For more in-depth explanation behind it's magic, see this Wikipedia article.
- Want to play along a virtual one? click here and scroll down to the bottom of the page
- Due to Minecraft blocky nature & not wanting to have annoying backlight bleeding in the piston-tape, the numbers were quite challenging to make them proper & more or less read-able

*I can finally check this kind of build of my list. The default calculator's you come across here are not my kind of redstone I make/enjoy or proper understand.

Project basics:
- Minecraft 1.16.5 (Minecraft 1.17.1 keeps crashing on start-up... quite annoying)
- Front picture & description created / edited with: Blender Gimp
- No redistribution WITH download link, link instead back to this page to download from.

Personally I appreciate more a thoughtful comment than a diamond.
So leave a comment if you like, having a question or not and say why :-)
Progress100% complete

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03/27/2024 7:39 pm
She/Her • Level 19 : Journeyman Unicorn Dragon
Thanks a lot!
08/30/2021 1:17 am
Level 60 : High Grandmaster System
I opened this project immediately without even seeing who the author was, I'm not surprised it was you @eagoy
Actually I should have seen that coming XD

Great work! I wanna try it out myself :-D
08/30/2021 11:05 am
Level 57 : Grandmaster Lava Rider
Thanks a lot :-)
It means the front picture did it's work.

Let me know what you think of it, after you tried it out.
