Minecraft Maps / Other

Sonic Adventure 2 Chao Garden

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Level 28 : Expert Prince

Additional Notes

This has Dark Garden,Hero Garden,Netural Garden,Chao lobby and kindergarten. be prepared for nostalgia ;) Sonic The Hedghog mod:
Progress100% complete

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12/28/2014 4:52 pm
Level 33 : Artisan Turtle
nice job, but you still need to work on the dark garden, it is really well done, i must say, but you need to add stuff like a skin, i suggest using walls of wool, to make the chao garden look like it has the actual sky, similar to other maps, but it would be awesome, not to mension, you can make chickens the chao, it would be hilarious and realistic as they are the only one, that iff you throw an egg, will spawn
