Minecraft Maps / Land Structure

Stardust Stonecraft - Fantasy Stone Shop - Schematic

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Level 67 : High Grandmaster Alien
=-=- Stardust Stonecraft - Fantasy Stone Shop -=-=


I built this for a fantasy themed survival server I play on! The server is called Astraloria, and is run/owned by myself and my partner, its a small survival server with vanilla tweaks and some small quality of life plugins, massive lore and has just started its season three.


And as always if you want to use this build please feel free but just credit me if its to be seen by the public or the internet.


The roof outline i used was from Graysun!


Shaders: Complementary Reimagined
Progress100% complete

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Mine Maus Craft
04/03/2024 4:50 am
Level 64 : High Grandmaster Blockhead
Looks very beautiful :-)
