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Server has been offically moved to a perminate home, NO MORE HAMACHI!!! (but still goot to have if you need support from me ;) New IP HERE ---> Server Link
- We just added the Spout Plugin and several other Spout ready plugins as well
-Switched from iConomy to BOSEeconomy
-Switched from DefaultCommands to Essentials
-Set Up McMMO Spout GUI (watch yourself level up with a custome exp bar)
-Added Wallet GUI (Always see how much money you have being displayed on screen)
-Added Regions GUI (Shows the name of the Region your in at the top of the screen
-Added a Basic Commands GUI (never need to type those basic commands again just press [`] and an on screen menu and just select the button for the command you want to hit)
-Never download any texture pack updates again, with spout it automatically downloads the texture packs and sounds to your client launcher for you.
[All these features will require the download of Spout Craft auto updater, it's a new client launcher just for the spout plugin that makes all of these extras possible.]
Download SpoutCraft Here - (download and double click the jar file to run first time, it wil make a folder in %appdata% called . SpoutCraft, from there you will have to create a shortcut on your own to the Spout Craft Launcher... You will like it i promise. Also it uses your normal Minecraft login, and has an update the first time you launch.)
Ok so I am going to start a server at the first of the year (Sooner if the building is finished).
The Stargate Atlantis Server (First of 3 servers for Stargate servers to come) will be a massive multi-world server, with new worlds being added all the time. Some will be strictly for mining, others for living, and some for PVP. My goal is to create an environmental similar to they way people lived on the Stargate Series. Many worlds with people traveling thru the gates to get back and forth.
Currently I have 7 worlds:
Beta Site - (First Spawn, rules reading and gate introduction)
Atlantis - (Just finished gate room)
Dobbsland - (don't ask about the name) (Mining Planet)
BioDome - (won't believe until I post screen shots) (First place for off world residence)
Sateda - (Ronan's Home world, city in ruins, this is a world of Death-match and CTF and many more surprises)
Genii Home World - (under ground labs to explore with many surprises... you might get lost it is all...)
Unberland - (A kingdom of sorts, many villages scatteres around a mysterious castle, with mazes and prizes and some of our hardest challenges yet)
I am currently trying to finish the tower of the city, that is my goal before I launch the server. The Peirs and rest will come over time but are not essential to gate travel
Thing to finish include:
Gate Room - (100%)
Control Room - (100%)
Conference Room - (100%)
Jumper Bay - (85%)
Puddle Jumpers (Small 8 man space craft from TV Series) - (100%)
Living Quarters (For Admins and Mods) (Still looking for people too!!!) - (50%)
Mess Hall - (20%)
Medical Bay - (40%)
Teleporters for getting around Atlantis Base - (0%)
Working Stargates for world travel - (100%) (6 worlds and counting)
Second List of Things to Come (Will start after first list is complete)
Long Rang Sensors
Drone Storage Facility
Auxiliary Control Room
Z.P.M. Outlet Room
Chair Control Room
Grounding Stations
V.R. Room
I am looking for artistic builders that want to help with this server, if so pm me and I'll get you set up.
Anyone who helps get to be Admins and Moderators, depending on how involved you are.
Any Suggestions let me know. Thanks
Accepting Invites via PM only, will host link below for my hamachi client, if you already have hamachi just use network ID. Request get sent to me after install so PM me right away so that I can add you to the network.
Atlantis Server Hamachi Installer - Now only for chatting with me when i'm not in game and you need support
If you are having trouble joining the network on your already installed Hamachi, it might be out of date and not accepting the password, if so reinstall with the link above.
Network ID: Atlantis Server (Case Sensitive)
New Network Password: abc123 (I made it as simple at possible this time)
As soon as you join the network, I need you to message the server with your planetminecraft name and your Minecraft IGN, anyone that doesn't do this right away will be removed within 48 hours from the network.... thanks
- We just added the Spout Plugin and several other Spout ready plugins as well
-Switched from iConomy to BOSEeconomy
-Switched from DefaultCommands to Essentials
-Set Up McMMO Spout GUI (watch yourself level up with a custome exp bar)
-Added Wallet GUI (Always see how much money you have being displayed on screen)
-Added Regions GUI (Shows the name of the Region your in at the top of the screen
-Added a Basic Commands GUI (never need to type those basic commands again just press [`] and an on screen menu and just select the button for the command you want to hit)
-Never download any texture pack updates again, with spout it automatically downloads the texture packs and sounds to your client launcher for you.
[All these features will require the download of Spout Craft auto updater, it's a new client launcher just for the spout plugin that makes all of these extras possible.]
Download SpoutCraft Here - (download and double click the jar file to run first time, it wil make a folder in %appdata% called . SpoutCraft, from there you will have to create a shortcut on your own to the Spout Craft Launcher... You will like it i promise. Also it uses your normal Minecraft login, and has an update the first time you launch.)
Ok so I am going to start a server at the first of the year (Sooner if the building is finished).
The Stargate Atlantis Server (First of 3 servers for Stargate servers to come) will be a massive multi-world server, with new worlds being added all the time. Some will be strictly for mining, others for living, and some for PVP. My goal is to create an environmental similar to they way people lived on the Stargate Series. Many worlds with people traveling thru the gates to get back and forth.
Currently I have 7 worlds:
Beta Site - (First Spawn, rules reading and gate introduction)
Atlantis - (Just finished gate room)
Dobbsland - (don't ask about the name) (Mining Planet)
BioDome - (won't believe until I post screen shots) (First place for off world residence)
Sateda - (Ronan's Home world, city in ruins, this is a world of Death-match and CTF and many more surprises)
Genii Home World - (under ground labs to explore with many surprises... you might get lost it is all...)
Unberland - (A kingdom of sorts, many villages scatteres around a mysterious castle, with mazes and prizes and some of our hardest challenges yet)
I am currently trying to finish the tower of the city, that is my goal before I launch the server. The Peirs and rest will come over time but are not essential to gate travel
Thing to finish include:
Gate Room - (100%)
Control Room - (100%)
Conference Room - (100%)
Jumper Bay - (85%)
Puddle Jumpers (Small 8 man space craft from TV Series) - (100%)
Living Quarters (For Admins and Mods) (Still looking for people too!!!) - (50%)
Mess Hall - (20%)
Medical Bay - (40%)
Teleporters for getting around Atlantis Base - (0%)
Working Stargates for world travel - (100%) (6 worlds and counting)
Second List of Things to Come (Will start after first list is complete)
Long Rang Sensors
Drone Storage Facility
Auxiliary Control Room
Z.P.M. Outlet Room
Chair Control Room
Grounding Stations
V.R. Room
I am looking for artistic builders that want to help with this server, if so pm me and I'll get you set up.
Anyone who helps get to be Admins and Moderators, depending on how involved you are.
Any Suggestions let me know. Thanks
Accepting Invites via PM only, will host link below for my hamachi client, if you already have hamachi just use network ID. Request get sent to me after install so PM me right away so that I can add you to the network.
Atlantis Server Hamachi Installer - Now only for chatting with me when i'm not in game and you need support
If you are having trouble joining the network on your already installed Hamachi, it might be out of date and not accepting the password, if so reinstall with the link above.
Network ID: Atlantis Server (Case Sensitive)
New Network Password: abc123 (I made it as simple at possible this time)
As soon as you join the network, I need you to message the server with your planetminecraft name and your Minecraft IGN, anyone that doesn't do this right away will be removed within 48 hours from the network.... thanks
Progress | 55% complete |
Tags |
1 Update Logs
Switched to Spout : by ajster1989 10/20/2011 10:12:52 pmOct 20th, 2011
- We just added the Spout Plugin and several other Spout ready plugins as well
-Switched from iConomy to BOSEeconomy
-Switched from DefaultCommands to Essentials
-Set Up McMMO Spout GUI (watch yourself level up with a customer exp bar)
-Added Wallet GUI (Always see how much money you have being displayed on screen)
-Added a Basic Commands GUI (never need to type those basic commands again just press [`] and an on screen menu and just select the button for the command you want to hit)
-Never download any texture pack updates again, with spout it automatically downloads the texture packs and sounds to your client launcher for you.
[All these features will require the download of Spout Craft auto updater, it's a new client launcher just for the spout plugin that makes all of these extras possible.]
-Switched from iConomy to BOSEeconomy
-Switched from DefaultCommands to Essentials
-Set Up McMMO Spout GUI (watch yourself level up with a customer exp bar)
-Added Wallet GUI (Always see how much money you have being displayed on screen)
-Added a Basic Commands GUI (never need to type those basic commands again just press [`] and an on screen menu and just select the button for the command you want to hit)
-Never download any texture pack updates again, with spout it automatically downloads the texture packs and sounds to your client launcher for you.
[All these features will require the download of Spout Craft auto updater, it's a new client launcher just for the spout plugin that makes all of these extras possible.]
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Can't you get Flan's mod with the weapon content pack to this? I think the weapons they use in Stargate Atlantis is a P90, and that is a P90 (but no zapp gun) in that mod. I do really want to join this.
but it would be cool.