Minecraft Maps / Environment & Landscaping

🏜️🌍 Stratyrosion - A Desert Mesa Terrain (2k, JAVA, Prototype)

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Level 86 : Elite Wizard Unicorn
🏜️🌍 Stratyrosion - A Desert Mesa Terrain (2k, JAVA, Prototype) Minecraft Map

This is a medium custom Desert continent in Minecraft by McMeddon. Its 2000 by 2000 block big and excellent for building teams and creative people.

project name: 30092020_Stratyrosion

🏜️🌍 Stratyrosion - A Desert Mesa Terrain (2k, JAVA, Prototype) Minecraft Map

Timelapse: youtu.be/_JgVNRonIbE

🌍 Discord: discord.stedit.com
► Patreon: www.patreon.com/mcmeddon
►Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCug2WOSvplSCzXCOGJXJbEA/
► PMC: www.planetminecraft.com/member/mcmeddon/
► Instagram: www.instagram.com/mcmeddon/
► Twitch: www.twitch.tv/mcmeddon

🏜️🌍 Stratyrosion - A Desert Mesa Terrain (2k, JAVA, Prototype) Minecraft Map

✅ 4000x4000
✅ Java
✅ 1.14+ Aquatic
✅ Wallpapers
❌ no structures or strongholds

The thoughts behind this map

This map was created originally with the intention to join the Zhyrr contest but did not fully satisfy my expectations and therefore not an entry to the contest. The map currently has only basic coloring and grading with no slopes, detailed flows or dedicated areas. The main focus of this map was more or less a proof of concept for adjusted sand dunes that conform to their surroundings and flow accordingly around it.

The concept itself worked out pretty well as hoped, but despite it, the arrangement of the mesa did not work as i wished.
This map is not perfect, but i thought, some may have some fun with it. :)

Possible questions:

>> Which Programs did you use?

    • Worldpainter
    • Gaea
    • World Edit (MC server plugin)

>> Can i use it?
  sure, if you support me and spread the word :p

>> Can i play it on bedrock?
  There are tools (MCC PE) to convert java to bedrock maps , but i got only errors during the conversion. But if "you" are able   to do this, hit me up so we can get it to more people

>> Do you planing on doing more maps?

>> Could you do one map for my server?
  not currently

Progress100% complete

1 Update Logs

Update #1 Added New Timelapse Video of creation : by McMeddon 11/01/2020 12:08:09 pmNov 1st, 2020

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01/22/2022 6:57 am
Level 42 : Master Artist
Stunning!!! : )
10/11/2020 7:20 pm
Level 30 : Artisan Procrastinator
Would you be disappointed or happy if I said from a distance I thought this was a plate of spaghetti for an advertisement? XD
10/12/2020 5:05 am
Level 86 : Elite Wizard Unicorn
xD not mad, made me laugh
10/10/2020 3:10 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Nice! :D
