Minecraft Maps / Land Structure

[Surv] Valley Island

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Level 57 : Grandmaster Taco
Hey guys, Dan here. I made this custom map, called Valley Island and I hope you read the post and enjoy it.

Valley island is a different kind of survival island. First off because it kind of looks like a valley, hence the name. Second of all because it is mostly grass, not sand. It does just start with one tree, but still.

When you spawn you will be on a small island, littered with grass. You have to survive on limited resources, blah blah blah you have heard the "Survival Island" spiel before.

The Pictures are just some overviews of the island, I don't want to show any of the underground secrets - I mean what? - due to immense awesomeness that can't be conveyed in picture form.
CreditJust me bro. Just me.
Progress100% complete

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12/25/2011 10:57 pm
Level 5 : Apprentice Miner
nice really nice
