Minecraft Maps / Environment & Landscaping

Survival Island | 1000x1000 Minecraft survival compatible world 1.21.4 Java & Bedrock Edition

  • 2,356 views, 52 today
  • 398 downloads, 7 today
Level 29 : Expert Blacksmith
Survival Island | 1000x1000 Minecraft survival compatible world

Download for Java & Bedrock Edition 1.21.4

! Be careful when pasting the schematic, due to the size there could be quite some lags so make sure to save your world beforehand !

Size: ~1000 x 1000 Blocks
Biomes: Ocean, Beach, Forest

Trees by Paleozoey 🔥

Make sure to leave a diamond & favorite!

Another survival island i created with World Painter, still a lot to improve but i hope you still like it :)
The world should be completely survival compatible, which means it contains ores and caves as well as mineshafts and trial chambers.
Classic vanilla terrain generated outside the custom map so that a normal gameplay is possible without any problems (strongholds can be found there).

Feel free to give me feedback if you notice something wrong and write me suggestions for improvement for future worlds!

Terms of use:
Use this world for all non-commercial purposes without credit

It may be used commercially on servers or YouTube videos (also without the requirement of giving credits)

All other commercial use is prohibited and must be agreed privately with me beforehand

What you should not do:

- pretend the world is yours

- offer them for download elsewhere without significant changes

- offering the world / assets for sale (e.g. in Marketplace or other stores)
- download the world without giving a diamond ;)
Progress100% complete

2 Update Logs

Update #2 : by TryzzMC 01/22/2025 11:24:16 amJan 22nd

- Fixed & smoothed a lot of 1x1 holes and messy grass blocks

- Fixed some trees which have grown into each other

- The number of ores in the underground has been increased slightly

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