Minecraft Maps / Other

Survival Island Seed! 1.6.4

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Level 27 : Expert Architect
Ok hey guys today I found this epic survival island seed just for all you guys who want to do a lonely island type thing or just be stranded on a island, you could use this for loads and loads of uses , you spawn on a decent sized island with no trees, just sugar cane, but this is just the seed, you can add trees and make it a survival island map that is up to date, anyways here you go with a video.

Also if you want a quick reply use YouTube rather than PMC, as I only log in to upload stuff ;D

Also just remember you need to put on large biomes to get the right seed -,-

Progress100% complete

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Truly Epic
09/26/2013 12:57 pm
Level 12 : Journeyman Skinner
whats your youtube
09/26/2013 12:44 pm
Level 27 : Expert Architect
Also people who actually dislike videos clearly need to go outside more often.
Truly Epic
09/26/2013 12:28 pm
Level 12 : Journeyman Skinner
Make a map out of it.
09/26/2013 12:45 pm
Level 27 : Expert Architect
Sure I will!
Its just I need to get a few posts so I can upload a mod I have been working on for a while now.
