Minecraft Maps / Land Structure

Sword Art Online Alicization - Central Cathedral (ON HOLD)

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Level 32 : Artisan Miner
Project is currently on hold due to school priorities. Mainly exams and other tests.

The Central Cathedral is a huge, 100-storey square white tower, with mirror-like marble walls, that towers at the center of the Human Empire, within a vast square plot on a hill at the center of Centoria. Despite the fact that it can be seen from everywhere in the Human Empire, no one can see its top because the upper portion of the cathedral is always covered by clouds. The cathedral's square grounds are surrounded by tall walls, preventing anyone from entering the cathedral. The «Immortal Walls» that extend from Centoria to the «Mountain Range at the Edge» 750 kilometers away from Centoria extend out from the 4 corners of the cathedral's white walls. The main gates to the cathedral's grounds are located to the east, likely because that is the direction that Solus (the Sun in Underworld) rises from. A wide road extends from the gate to the actual Church.

Second project I'm working on, and it's going slow. 100 floors will definitely not be in there but I'm thinking to put the ones shown in the anime in there.

For everything there's a need to try right? It might not be the closest to a replica but it's fun to actually work on something else with the spare time I have.

Leave some suggestions, idea's and feedback below!

*Will be downloadable when it's finished.
Progress20% complete

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12/18/2019 6:19 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Espero este mapa desde hace mucho, por favor completenlo.
12/11/2019 3:59 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
sigo esperando el mapa :c
08/21/2019 6:14 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
I've been waiting for a map like this for months, since alicization started. I hope you can finish it.
- Google translator.
