Minecraft Maps / Land Structure

Tana Landfill Compactor

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Level 88 : Elite Elf Deity

this is a machine used to crush and compact solid waste at landfills.
Many landfill compactors are converted wheel loaders with four spiky wheels which leave an uncompacted middle strip (that they have to go over a second time). This machine is purpose-built and uses two full-width spiky drums to eliminate the uncompressed middle strip.

Some Tana compactors have guardrails all around, some have them only partially, some have thick guardrails, some have thin ones, some have a "mast" behind the cabin with a camera on top of it for an aerial view of the surrounding area and some also have a gray box on top of the roof that I'm not too sure of what it does but I think it is some kind of radar or GPS device for autonomous driving or simply driving in a straight line, similar to what many agricultural tractors and harvesters use. It might also just be cabin cooling but I feel like that should come already integrated as a standard feature.
In any case, I built a compactor that has it all: thick guardrails all around, the aerial view camera and the weird gray box.

Tana sells compactors in different weight classes (from 26 to 55.5 metric tons) but their shapes are so similar I honestly can't say which weight class I built, although I mostly based mine on their seemingly most successful model, the E520. But the E380 for example looks literally exactly the same. Maybe they add weight to the drums to keep the center of gravity low to the ground.

Before you paste the schematic make sure to set //perf update and neighbors to off and paste with entities (//paste -e).

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01/25/2025 6:41 am
Level 7 : Apprentice Taco
01/25/2025 10:23 am
He/Him • Level 88 : Elite Elf Deity
Thanks a lot!
I'm glad you like it :)
