Minecraft Maps / 3D Art

Temple of Arieben

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Level 38 : Artisan Grump
Wow, Planet Minecraft has a way to report on the percentage of progress that's done now. That's pretty cool. This really is 95% done.. it needs terrain and i need to shoot a video to really show off the details.

I got really sick of this project. it took me about 3 years to make. i hope that when i die and god reads off the statistics he'll tell me how many hours i spent on this god forsaken project, because i really do want to know.

i'd love to have some kind of flowery description with different font sizes and pictures and all that jazz, but it doesn't feel right anymore. this site isn't how it used to be. there was an energy that everyone drew from that seems to be long gone.

despite that, i hope you enjoy this project and that it inspires you in some way. i want it to be the spark that rekindles an old tradition, if not for myself then for someone else.

more in-depth write up here: imgur.com/a/temple-of-arieben-zc6VcrA
CreditFrug_go for supporting me throughout its entire creation and for pushing me to finally finish it for real
Progress95% complete

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01/24/2025 7:13 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
You even bothered to put in a picture of that one tree...
01/26/2025 1:26 pm
Level 38 : Artisan Grump
the most important tree
01/24/2025 3:48 pm
Level 1 : New Mage
Absolutely breathtaking. Your intricate designs and structurally coherent patterns scratch a part of my brain that is only ever unlocked by orange youtube. Stunning as ever, never stop being you
01/26/2025 1:26 pm
Level 38 : Artisan Grump
thank you my friend <3
01/19/2025 8:53 pm
Level 21 : Expert Dragon Ninja
Wow, this is absolutely breathtaking! the style really brings back memories. The level of detail and creativity is incredible. The way youve used different colors and textures to create such intricate patterns is really inspiring. I do hope you will find the joy to continue building this project. Thank you for sharing these screenshots!
01/24/2025 3:13 pm
Level 38 : Artisan Grump
Thank you!! <3 i'm happy it inspired you. I'm inspired myself by your comment.
01/19/2025 4:27 pm
Level 54 : Grandmaster Lumberjack Lumberjack
01/19/2025 12:37 pm
Level 62 : High Grandmaster Terraformer
It's had that progress thing for.... quite a long time now, if I'm honest. Probably since shortly after your last post, though I haven't exactly kept close track of it.

Still, good to see some of your work here again, takes me back.

I can also see why this took you so long, with all the organic and somewhat asymetrical shaping.
01/26/2025 1:29 pm
Level 38 : Artisan Grump
My last post was 9 years ago.. that's strange to think about.
