Minecraft Maps / Challenge & Adventure

Temple Run In Minecraft 1.8 (actually works like the real game)

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Level 41 : Master Engineer
This map was made utilizing some of the new 1.8 features.  There still may be a few bugs so please let me know what you find.  There will be a video of this map going up soon but I wanted to get this out there first.  You do NOT take a pre-made path, it is actually randomly generated as you play, so each time you play will be different. :D  Please share this around and give me ideas for more mini-games/maps you would like to see.  Be sure to check out my other redstone-y maps aswell. Enjoy!
Progress100% complete

3 Update Logs

Update #3 : by chooky1441 10/05/2014 11:47:37 pmOct 5th, 2014

New video :D

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10/01/2014 7:37 am
Level 1 : New Network
World download ?
Hope there come's a world download
MC Apple
10/04/2014 12:40 am
Level 1 : New Miner
MineElf, although it says MC Edit Schematic, it is actually just a normal Minecraft World!
MC Apple
10/01/2014 2:57 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Hi I just wanted to tell you about a problem with the map that I found. When I load the map I spawn outside of the spawn area. It was pretty easy to find it with a little bit of flying around but just thought I should let you know :)
10/01/2014 9:05 am
Level 41 : Master Engineer
I'll be sure to fix that later today, thanks for playing.
MC Apple
10/01/2014 2:48 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Looks great and I think I will record a video and post it on my channel! If you want to check it out my channel is at this web address: www.youtube.com/channel/UCs9765JTyoD0G1G8ucPlS8g
10/01/2014 9:02 am
Level 41 : Master Engineer
Thanks! Looking forward to watching it!
