Minecraft Maps / Challenge & Adventure

TerraCraft Tower 1.1.3 - A Minecraft survival map [20,000 DOWNLOADS]

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Level 42 : Master Electrician
TerraCraft Tower - A Minecraft survival map


8/7/2012: Released This map on Planet Minecraft!

Hello! I'm SneakySlaps and this is my first survival map. It takes place on a huge 3-level tower that extrudes from the ocean. You must complete some of the basic Minecraft tasks to move up to the proceeding levels of the tower... Along with the vanilla Minecraft experience you can complete challenges that are listed down below! This is a relatively old map that I had posted on the Minecraft forums a few months ago, but now I bring it to Planet Minecraft for everybody here to enjoy!


Other Stuff:
If you like the map leave some feedback... I'am looking for some ideas on what to add.. Also if you decide to check out a snapshot definitely leave some feedback.

My Channel : http://www.youtube.c.../TheSneakySlaps (Please Subscribe(If you want to... Posted Image (please) ) )

Videos and Let's Plays:

Here is episode 25 of dungeonpig's very long and very good Terracraft Tower series!

A video by MLABproduction. Check the video out along with his channel! Posted Image

This third video is made by GamingwithFailures! Check out the channel!



+ Fixed the dungeons up a bit... Something will always elude me Posted Image

+ Added some gold

+ Fixed the foundation of the map. (There is no more loads of sand and clay)

+ The foundation is now prepared for what is to come in V1.2 (V1.2 should be an interesting update Posted Image )

- From now on let it be known that i will add pictures on major updates... EX: 1.1 and 1.2 (NOT things like: 1.1.1 and 1.1.2)


+ Made the dungeons more difficult (Hopefully).

+ Added a few "Special Surprises"

+ Made a partial solution to the sand problem... (Very Partial)

- No pictures to show because everything is kind of hidden


+ Added 2 spiral dungeons that have loot at the end (maybe some traps to go with them...)

+ Added 5 signs

+ Made it possible to complete challenges 11-14 legitimately

- Removed 2 trees


+ Released the map!

Map Objectives:

1. Build a basic shelter at ground level

2.Create a mine to get started

3. Make your way up one of the pillars

4. Add something to one of the pillars to make it snazzy

5. Kill stuff on the middle floor / light that shit up!(With torches of course)

6. Build a second base of operations on the middle floor

7. Mine some diamond on the roof of the middle floor

8.Mine your way through the obsidian layer and reach the top


10.Get the diamond inside the lava oozing hill... (You didn't hear this from me >.>)

11.Create an iron golem at the top of each of the pillars.

12. Name each of the iron golems and give them a squad name. (Post their names... I want to see them)

13.Kill the iron golems.

14.Make graves for the four iron golems next to or near your house.(Have signs for their names Ex: R.I.P. Alfonzo... Post pictures if you want. Be creative.)

15.Find the ravine below...

16. Starting from the entrances... Make your way up the spiral dungeons and get the loot!

17. Build a Pumpkin and Animal farm.

18. Find Three Tree Island.

19. Breath in the nice air from Three Tree Island.

20. Make Three Tree Island into Two Tree Island.
Progress100% complete

8 Update Logs

Update #8 : by SneakySlaps 12/21/2012 4:49:26 pmDec 21st, 2012

Yay!!! We reached 20,000 downloads on this map. Thank you everyone and Happy Holidays! :D

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04/14/2014 10:40 am
Level 25 : Expert Archer
great map in the first 30 min of playing i completed challenges 1,2,18,19,20
04/20/2014 8:11 pm
Level 42 : Master Electrician
Great to hear! I will probably make a sequel to this map soon. Its been over a year! :D
12/09/2012 3:57 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Great job :D
12/09/2012 12:46 pm
Level 42 : Master Electrician
Lol Thanks! I'm just curious as to how this map randomly spiked in views... :D
10/10/2012 10:48 am
Level 1 : New Miner
suggestion: end portal on the next level.
10/10/2012 11:39 am
Level 42 : Master Electrician
Suggestion noted. I will definitely add it in my next survival map. But the map im currently working on is a PvP map so that is not possible :D
08/11/2012 9:36 pm
Level 4 : Apprentice Blacksmith
Hey! Good job, downloaded :'D
08/11/2012 10:04 pm
Level 42 : Master Electrician
Thank you! I have a few other things you might want to check out. Plus a few maps on the way. Subscribe if you want. Every sub helps :)
08/11/2012 2:23 am
Level 64 : High Grandmaster Architect
Nice but it has only 73 downloads xD liar
08/11/2012 12:24 pm
Level 42 : Master Electrician
Yea on planet minecraft. If you go on minecraft forums you will see it has almost 30k views and almost 200 replies. :D
