Minecraft Maps / Air Structure

The C.I.T.T. || Cool Interstellar Travel Travelship || The Guardians Ship || Marvel NOW!

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Long Live the Legion
Level 63 : High Grandmaster Pixel Painter Lemon
Hey all!

Today I'm presenting you guys with my version of the CITT! This ship debuted with Brian Michael Bendis' Guardians of the Galaxy run in 2013 which was the first team comic I read, as such this ship is very close to my heart, and that of a few friends of mine. With their encouragement I began putting together my first draft of this in 2018. Sadly that didn't last long and the project fell into disarray.

However, summer of 2019 rolled around again and once more I was encouraged to begin work! I worked for 2 weeks non-stop, with a little sleep here and there, to put together the ship's exterior. The next week would be a difficult task of scanning through Bendis' run to try and put together an accurate map of the interior -- something I ultimately threw away completely aside for the hangar in the belly of the ship.

Two weeks later I had constructed a custom interior spanning three floors and, to this day, unfinished engine rooms. With the eventual completion of this gargantuan project by mid-August 2019, well it was a long time coming. Since then I've been procedurally updating the block pallete and other interior aspects whilst procrastinating work on the three huge engine rooms. That brings us to E3 2021, where me who'd long forgotten about the Guardians game in the works was utterly blown away by the reveal. Sceptical at first with Avengers in mind, I delve into a night of research, re-watching gameplay to count enemy variety and study combat -- listening to and reading far too many interviews until I finally came to the verdict that this was a game I was very much excited for. And so... I returned once more to the CITT.

Skip to here if you don't care for blubber!

This will be the centrepiece of my Guardians work, similar to the Malibu Retreat I did for the Iron Man collection. I've done some skins for some of the members of this custom roster and in the future I might do some more, guess we'll see. Each member has a room with some references to their past, some more obvious than others. I've tried to include various Easter eggs and references to different runs/takes on the team throughout.

Big thanks to NargNarg, Fabioo, Juggie, CamOfBeans and Wally West who made this build possible through their help & support with the project. I apologise for taking so long to upload this. Its now a 1.18+ ready schematic.


Long Live the Legion
CreditNarg, Fab & Jug
Progress100% complete

1 Update Logs

Update: Download : by Long Live the Legion 03/13/2022 8:57:34 amMar 13th, 2022

The Download is here. This is the final version I will be releasing, hope you guys all enjoy it and sorry for the long delay.

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01/20/2024 2:55 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Wow just wow it's amazing
05/02/2022 12:55 pm
Level 1 : New Network
Wow , This is insane map is Very Good!!!!
06/18/2021 2:15 am
Level 25 : Expert Skinner Mage
this is insane ! amazing build
06/18/2021 12:32 am
Any/All • Level 43 : Master Imposter
Very big :v
06/17/2021 7:47 pm
Level 76 : Legendary Ghast Rider
Amazing! It looks so detailed and it's so incredibly massive!
Long Live the Legion
06/17/2021 7:51 pm
Level 63 : High Grandmaster Pixel Painter Lemon
Thank you! When constructing I built one half of the main body entirely by hand to try and get an organic feel to it :)
06/18/2021 1:58 am
Level 76 : Legendary Ghast Rider
How long dos it take just for that half?
Long Live the Legion
06/18/2021 3:35 am
Level 63 : High Grandmaster Pixel Painter Lemon
about five days :)
