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Level 72 : Legendary System
This is a very heavily Modified version of Phoenix1094 1:1 Scale Colosseum. I put my own custom styling on it and added the awning that once was over the arena.I chose this 1 because it is perfect 1:1 scale and i was to lazy to build my own 1:1 version from scratch :p
this build was just restarted after sitting for 6 months or so on the 8th and it was finished 6-10-17

Please enjoy and give me credit for building it, you can use it however you like.
download now has both a schematic and world

tons of credit to Phoenix1094 for building the original. Heres the link to his Colosseum if your interested in the original.

CreditPhoenix1094 for providing the Colosseum,amdalole for providing inspiration on styling http://www.minecraftforum.net/forums/show-your-creation/screenshots/1598239-1-1-flavian-amphitheater-colosseum
Progress100% complete

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06/12/2017 2:34 am
Level 54 : Grandmaster Architect
very nice
