This Map is an entry in the completed Halloween Candy Bash '24.

Minecraft Maps / Water Structure

The curse of the silver stag

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Level 30 : Artisan Procrastinator
A spooky tale I wrote to go with this build:

St Samuel's bay is a particularly scenic stretch of the Derwickshire coastline. But go into any of the local pubs, and you'll here whispers of the phantom ship which haunts the surrounding waters.

It was in the year 1586 that Sir John Crawley received his letter of the marque as a privateer, to hunt Spanish ships on a swift two-mast ketch, the Silver Stag. John's exploits had started by raiding Spain's allies in the Netherlands. Though, as the years went on, the ambitions of his raids grew - as did his greed

Time had taken its toll on Sir John and his crew whom once saw their profession as part of a sacred duty to defend England against the tyranny of Rome. But now, they had been more drawn to achieving feats of glory in great raids. And like the early symptoms of a disease, this paved way to the mad cravings of gold.

Eventually, the crew of the silver stag had evolved into something unrecognisable. Their hunger for greater riches causing them to raid friend and foe, alike. But it would be one quiet night when a particular bounty aboard a lone galleon would prove their undoing. For the cargo had been cursed that whichever ship holds the cargo may never find land.

The crew have long since perished, but just outside the bay of St Samuel, it is said the ship is still floating...

Note: You are welcome to use my content for personal use, but I do not give my consent for this map or any assets within it to be monetised (eg sold to a third party or used within a multiplayer server with a paywall)
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