Minecraft Maps / Challenge & Adventure

The End Is Extremely Nigh Chapter 2 (1.20.4) (Discontinued)

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Level 40 : Master Zombie
The End Is Extremely Nigh
Chapter 2

After originally being canceled, I have decided to create the second (and final) installment to The End Is Extremely Nigh. Using new techniques I have learned, and creating the story to fit your new environment, chapter 2 should be fun haha.


In the original The End Is Extremely Nigh, you were taken through a fungal apocalypse, an overgrown city with tons of destruction.

Let’s change that up.

Welcome to New Hope City. While failing to find Patient Zero before, you have tracked him here. An overgrown, semi submerged, hostile city. The fungal infection does not exist here and instead has mutated into an extraterrestrial infection. What once were humans are now mindless creatures roaming the streets.

Since the city is flooded, survivors have found ways to travel. Boat. You are supplied a boat, and can find more around the city in the event of losing yours. Land is dangerous, but so is the water. You are never safe. Scattered around the city are camps where unlucky, or missing survivors once resided. You will find very little left of human life… and some that you find may not be so kind.

Throughout the city, your goal is to complete missions assigned to you. These will be tracked by Beacons. Once a mission is completed, your next mission will light up with one. Make sure to look up at the sky to find them. Missions do not have to be completed right away. The city is completely open to explore. You can travel around and try to find secret loot to help you on your next mission.

Be wise though. With each mission, an item can possibly be obtained that is labeled for another mission. These items have a one time use. If you use it too early, once that mission comes, it will be much more difficult, but still possible. For example, a grenade, a golden apple, or even a bullet. Don’t put yourself in situations where you need them early on.

Boats are your best friends. The land is unsafe, and dangerous. Although the water can be dangerous too, it is easier to flee infected. You will be able to gather more than one boat just incase you lose yours. Extras are also scattered around the sides of the river. Do NOT try to break your boat. It will not drop and come with you.

That’s all there is to know for now. The End Is No Longer Extremely Nigh… It Is Here.


In The End Is Extremely Nigh Chapter 2, you have unlocked an open world where you can travel almost anywhere. Do the missions whenever you please, just remember to go to them soon or else you will lose opportunity with items. Some items have only a one time use, and they must be saved for special moments where they can save you. Using them earlier will make these moments more difficult.


Custom models

Custom items
A large environment to explore
And more!

More Information Coming Soon!
Progress70% complete

25 Update Logs

Hello : by SpiralRiot 01/11/2025 12:20:41 pmJan 11th

Hi guys,
So it’s been over 8 months of silence from me and I apologize for that. I left without a word kinda.

I stepped back from Minecraft and gaming as a whole because of some life altering events that took place and I wasn’t really able to place focus/ give a project I wanted to deliver. Sure, I could’ve released what was created and said “have fun with something unfinished” but then there would be no enjoyment, no excitement, no events that were planned to take place.

I didn’t really expect to close the game one day and just not come back to it but when I did, it took a lot out of me and made me sad to realize that all the effort I had put into this was slowly going to waste until it was nothing.

So yes. This project for now is discontinued. I say for now because I never can tell what I’ll do in the future. I really wanted to release this one. It was so different in my eyes with such a different adventure behind it. You weren’t gonna get a basic zombie adventure map where you fought to stay alive with no true purpose but to go forward. This was gonna be a survival along with a story. I had so much planned and in the works and I’m sorry that it won’t see the light of day. All projects are currently discontinued. Please understand that the reason behind this is rather deep rooted.


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08/02/2024 12:43 pm
Level 19 : Journeyman Crafter
im interested in this map after playingthe first one. my only complaint/worry is the loot system being to over powered like in the first map. I hope that its enough loot to fight back against the infected and not john Wick your way through the infected. otherwise im curious
11/15/2024 8:42 pm
Level 40 : Master Zombie
you might be wishing there was more in this one. A lot of treasure is hidden around though, but no matter what you get really, land is a nightmare and the water becomes a nightmare later on.
05/31/2024 1:43 am
Level 38 : Artisan Theorist
06/02/2024 9:58 pm
Level 40 : Master Zombie
Thank you :)
05/29/2024 8:53 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Collective
Bedrock port.....
06/02/2024 9:58 pm
Level 40 : Master Zombie
I’m sorry, but it won’t be possible for this map nor do Ik anything about porting a map to bedrock.
05/18/2024 3:24 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
What does it mean by

Coming Soon To A Nuke Near You

05/18/2024 8:53 pm
Level 40 : Master Zombie
Just a playful thing lmao since the whole city is basically nuked
04/04/2022 7:01 am
Level 1 : New Miner
04/09/2022 5:21 pm
Level 40 : Master Zombie
The maps not out yet, this is just the page so that I can just upload it when it’s done and you get to play it faster. I’m estimating another few months on it if there are no delays. The map is huge and completely explorable, but I have decided to start over on some parts. I’ve started a new city that is very much based on Dying Light 2
