Minecraft Maps / Land Structure

The Foundry - Version 3 & 2 Automatic Furnace Array Smelter!

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Level 58 : Grandmaster System
I had not really planned on doing another furnace array, but after seeing the super clever and compact model by NitroxNova, I had to do my best to lose some bulk from my designs. No matter how I tried I could not reduce it to a 3x3 profile. My loaders are the bulkiest part of my build at six blocks wide (I could reduce it to two if I lose the extra features) and my array is four blocks wide.

This build is much smaller both above and below
ground. The separate control room is now an open loft only one block up from the loading tracks. It is scalable to any size, I have provided some examples in the download of 32, 24, and 16 furnace arrays as well as a "naked" 16 furnace array so you can see the mechanism better. I Use a timed end-loader but, I think I could get better fuel efficiency if I can perfect a through-loader so there is no wasting time on a cart return trip...

My Design Criteria kept it from being any smaller:
  1. No pre-loading required,
  2. Fully Automatic (just add items and it works),
  3. Carts are automatically stowed when there are no more items to deliver,
  4. Manual overrides (inspired by NitroxNova) One for manual collection, and a shutoff for the cart return,
  5. Fuel and Item input chests must be in close proximity,

I did not include an output selector/divertor in this model (see ver 2 models included)

This latest version of our automatic furnace array sports a new all original loading mechanism.

Thanks again to CobblestoneandDirt and NitroxNova, I learned a lot from picking your stuff apart!
Progress100% complete

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Nitrox Nova
01/02/2020 2:46 pm
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Robot
very nice work! I like the fuel distribution, much better than brute force filling of 100 hoppers lol
good documentation as well, very helpful :D
