Minecraft Maps / 3D Art

The Jeweled Tree

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Reaper559666's Avatar Reaper559666
Level 55 : Grandmaster Dragon
A massive oak tree made of lapis, and diamond blocks, planted in glowstone, it's about 116x100x100. The pictures say the rest.
Progress100% complete

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07/15/2012 4:43 am
Level 39 : Artisan Enderdragon
PlaySweden's Avatar
Can I use this in my adventure map? of course i'll give you credits!
10/14/2011 5:56 pm
Level 37 : Artisan Architect
incognito1337's Avatar
This takes about 5 minutes to render in MCedit using the Forester filter tool, for the people interested in making this themselves... hardly any work is needed. just MCedit and 5 minutes freetime...
10/14/2011 6:01 pm
Level 55 : Grandmaster Dragon
Reaper559666's Avatar
I made it because it was different.
10/14/2011 6:19 pm
Level 37 : Artisan Architect
incognito1337's Avatar
my problem isn't that you made it, or used MCedit or anything. people are allowed to use the tools they want to use. My problem is when people say this is amazing and ask how you did it, you don't say "forester filter in MCedit for 5 minutes". thats not even mentioned in your describtion. you are taking credit for something a program made for you. thats it.
10/14/2011 6:25 pm
Level 55 : Grandmaster Dragon
Reaper559666's Avatar
I would be glad to admit that I used mcedit, (also this was one of my very first builds) but I didn't say anything because no one bothered to ask. I would think that anyone willing to ask would be willing to do the kind of work to do it by hand, and therefore would have probably played minecraft long enough to figure it out themselves.
10/14/2011 6:35 pm
Level 55 : Grandmaster Dragon
Reaper559666's Avatar
Although, if you want to see one of my handmade works (made with several scaffolds for the floating bits and a few diagrams for the circles) here is this -


and one of my favorites (yet relativly unnoticed) the completely hand made (besides the copy/paste of large sections)

10/15/2011 5:11 am
Level 37 : Artisan Architect
incognito1337's Avatar
how do you expect people to want to do this by hand, when you didn't even do it by hand yourself?
btw, your arx aeternae is not handmade at all. everything made on the structure itself is made using forester filter to creater floating pieces (trynplague did a tutorial on this), and since those floating pieces plus the mid piece make out the ENTIRE structure then it is not handmade in any way. "when opposites collide" is made using brush + copy, and then you added some details yourself, which is normal when using MCedit. dude.... if you cant even be honest about this, then its just sad...
10/13/2011 3:21 pm
Level 19 : Journeyman Architect
Lorddoom33's Avatar
cant u design a random elven tree??

second, why not make a whole forrest with custom trees? =) i think peepz would like that, most of uss are tired of the normal trees of minecraft :D
10/13/2011 11:36 am
Level 1 : New Zombie
Dralexz10's Avatar
u really love trees,huh?
10/13/2011 12:05 am
Level 30 : Artisan Goblin
Flin_Jager's Avatar
In picture one, what is that line of diamond off to the left?
10/13/2011 8:20 am
Level 55 : Grandmaster Dragon
Reaper559666's Avatar
a random root sticking out of the ground
