Minecraft Maps / Challenge & Adventure

The Knights of Ill Omen | Custom Terrain for an Adventure Map

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TylerTimoJ's Avatar TylerTimoJ
Level 64 : High Grandmaster Terraformer
This terrain has been created by me for an adventure map I am currently working on. At the moment, I have not added any villages/buildings.

Here is what I plan on adding:
Three villages. One in the snow forest, one in the mountains, and one in the normal forest.
A Wizard tower by the mountain village.
Many underground caves.
An underground mine/tunnel system.
An underground sewer system.
A cathedral.

If you would like to see the development of this map, subscribe to me so you wont miss anything.
A favorite or diamond would also be appreciated as this is a big project!

I hope to be done with it and have the actual adventure map finished by Christmas, but it could go into 2014.

Thanks for looking at my project!

Keep this in mind, this project is very old. It was posted almost half of a year after it was done.
Progress20% complete

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11/13/2013 8:03 am
Level 3 : Apprentice Blacksmith
Axe_Villager's Avatar
A very well made map, looks great! Will it be up for a download when it has been completed?
