Minecraft Maps / 3D Art

The Dreamer's Lair

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Level 28 : Expert Architect
Hello, here is my latest project, “The Dreamer’s Lair”.

Our imaginary, a fascinating place. It lets us develop our ideas, imagine shapes, colors, even scenes. It can be as wonderful as it can be scary. Dreaming is one of the most magical things that is possible for us to do unconsciously. In a world where nothing has its place, but everything cohabits in perfect harmony. We cannot truly master this domain, it escapes our grasp, we can only stay powerless, admiring it as a mere spectator, a victim of our own brain. We currently are a drop of water in the ocean, which was flying through our minds an instant ago, before moving on to other wonders or terrifying shadows. Welcome to The Dreamer’s Lair. Admire, as you will witness wonderful things, light, mysterious things, cloudy waters, terrific spirits wandering in wells of light, looking for a shadow. Perhaps you could see them afar ?

In test builder at Team Celticraft

Progress100% complete

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09/29/2018 11:45 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Downlaod link please
06/11/2018 3:48 pm
Level 42 : Master Architect
So intriguing, love it!!!
05/01/2018 8:12 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Juste trop belle c:
05/01/2018 1:20 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
magnifique ! :D
04/30/2018 4:53 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Ton build à l'air magnifique, j'adore ton idée j'espèrerais être le premier à télécharger. Bonne chance tu as des capacités en construisant mon petit Ara ;)
