Minecraft Maps / Challenge & Adventure

The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time v2.2.1

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Level 29 : Expert Warrior
ATTENTION: This map is a little old now. When we released version 2.0 in 2018, we found that almost no one enjoyed the new update. I have released one last update to make some minor changes before we begin working on version 3.0, in which we will be rebuilding the entire map from scratch. Everything will be reworked, and I really hope it will be the map I hope it can become.
If you do record this, please include the link to my YouTube channel, and the map download link: https://www.planetminecraft.com/project/the-legend-of-zelda-ocarina-of-time-v10/
In this final update, the map is compatible for MC 1.16. I would recommend playing on version 1.16.2, but other 1.16 versions could work.
LINK TO MY CHANNEL: https://www.youtube.com/user/Thesuperninja2000

You turn on your computer to play Minecraft to find yourself trapped in the world of The Legend of Zelda and can't escape! Your only choice? Re-experience your childhood game re-created in Minecraft! Play with friends, or go solo! Up to three friends can play with you! Explore dungeons, solve mind-bending mazes, have competitions, and more await you in this adventure map! You can play on 1.16 versions! Please play the latest 1.16 version. Enjoy the adventure, hero! Texture Pack not required.
Originally Released: November 9, 2015
Latest Update: Version 2.2.1 (Released August 27, 2020)
Players: 1-4
Minecraft Version: 1.16 - 1.16.3
This map, 2015-2020 SN2000
Progress100% complete

26 Update Logs

Version 2.2.1 (Final Update?) : by Superninja2000 08/27/2020 9:05:59 pmAug 27th, 2020

NOTICE: This is going to be the last update I release for this map...well...at least until Version 3.0 releases.

*Made some minor changes to dialogue, and other various things.
*Now compatible for MC 1.16

I have no idea when Version 3.0 will release. All I know is, we're going to completely redesign the map. The structures will not be crammed together like they are now. I apologize in advance that any remaining issues will never be fixed as this is going to be the last update before Version 3.0. I hope you enjoy playing through this one more time, or however many times you want before the next huge update.
-SN2000 (The original creator)

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06/08/2018 2:20 am
Level 1 : New Explorer
To be honest, this map was an ok-ish map. There was a lot of stuff I like (some dungeons and bosses) while there some stuff I didn't like( the fact that coolest boss in the entire game, Dark Link, is locked behind multiplayer). I also have a couple of commands to help you, such as Unbreakable items. The command is: /give (Player Name) minecraft:(item) (number of items) 0 {Unbreakable:1,display:{Name:"(Name of item)"}}. Just put in your username, the item you want to be Unbreakable, how much items you want and the name of the item. Just remember to get rid of these () when you are writing out the command. Also, when building dungeons, try building them AWAY from towns and such. It looks weird when the second dungeon is right above you while you are in Zora's Domain. Just put a command block at the entrance that teleports them to a different place. Other than that, some buildings looked ok, while others were weird. I would rate the map 4/10 because this is actually a really cool Zelda OOT map plus a lot of the bosses were cool. There was also some funny dialogue and cool item choices (like Notch apples). if you want help remaking this map again, I can always help.
-BlueFoxy101, the Retarded Youtuber
06/12/2018 10:41 am
Level 29 : Expert Warrior
I appreciate the feedback. I am sorry for weird looking dungeons. Even I think they look kinda weird sometimes. We will try our best to resolve the issues you mentioned in the next big update.
06/05/2018 2:58 pm
Level 13 : Journeyman Cookie
To be honest, the map reminded me nothing of OOT, but I still enjoyed it.
06/05/2018 2:39 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer
the new dungeons look much much better than the old ones I think you should redo everything because now everything looks good back then it looks kinda noobish and crappy I`m sorry to tell you that but im just telling my opinion if you have a different one just tell me :)
12/31/2017 9:15 am
Level 20 : Expert Miner
03/05/2016 8:19 am
Level 1 : New Crafter
Am i aloud to record a series on this map. (I WILL INCUDE THE ~LINK~)
03/05/2016 4:39 pm
Level 29 : Expert Warrior
Yeah, you can record a let's play. I don't mind.
03/06/2016 8:18 am
Level 29 : Expert Warrior
Also, could you give me credit in the video? Just asking.
12/22/2015 2:02 pm
Level 19 : Journeyman Explorer
How do I buy stuff (in the game)? Is there a walkthrough?
03/05/2016 5:01 pm
Level 29 : Expert Warrior
My let's play is finished now. Here's the link to the first episode:
