Minecraft Maps / 3D Art

The Lion King- The Pride Lands

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Level 21 : Expert Miner
The Pridelands from the hit Disney movie: The Lion King. This map is pretty much finished apart from The Castle from The Lion King 2, however I will release that later.
For a map of the Pridelands go here: http://fireleviathan.deviantart.com/art/Pridelands-Political-Map-337784279
You will start in creative mode. After reading the signs fly upwards through the hole in the roof. If you get lost, use /kill.
This is NOT an adventure map.

To save me from having to place a LOT of sand, the desert and forgotton oasis will now be in another map. I will post the link when it is ready.

The download is now out!

Things already built:

Pride Rock

Scar's Cave

Rafiki's Tree

The Waterhole

The Elephant Graveyard

The Gorge

Yet to build:

The Castle
Progress90% complete

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