Minecraft Maps / 3D Art

The Minecraft City of the Captive Globe

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CPUser_'s Avatar CPUser_
Level 43 : Master Explorer
Hello ladies and gentlemen,

I present you today a map I’ve been working for a few months: The Minecraft City of the Captive Globe.

Principle of the map

Based on a Rem Koolhaas’s idea, exposed in Delirious New York, create a modern and contemporary architecture laboratory. There is the text idea, resumed in one sentence:

Around a central Globe and on a controlled structure, spaces are developing their selves with their own rules, defying their own worlds.

And there is the picture Koolhaas joint to this text:

The Minecraft City of the Captive Globe Minecraft Map

Setting up

That is all well and good, but practically, how does it works? Well, in a very similar way to the Koolhaas idea, like that:

The Minecraft City of the Captive Globe Minecraft Map
Chunky render, the globe in the centre, the isles deploying around it on a Grid plan.

Each player would have the opportunity to build on a bloc, downloadable here, which follows:

The Minecraft City of the Captive Globe Minecraft Map
Chunky render.

Players could do anything on this block, but with 2 conditions:
  • Everything higher than the block should not going out the aerial space defined by the base of the block, this condition doesn’t apply to the ground entrance
  • Build in a modern or contemporary style
But the map is just and half of the project. The other half consists in a documentation link to each player’s creation, and shared as well as the map. The purpose is to create a support for the understanding of the player’s creations. There are 2 overviews of mines, put online on Dropbox:

Don’t be afraid, they’re just 2 examples among many other possible ones. You are clearly not forced to make it like me, the only things I’m asking for are:
  • Write a short text (max 1p), briefly explaining your creation and documentation. Imagine that you should make a very quick speech of both your creation and documentation to random people, and put it in a text, that’s all! Providing it in PDF. (without any mandatory translation, I can deal with it)
  • Take 3 representative IG screenshots of the creation. Every pic should be shared in a JPG format, to reduce the weight of the documentation.
In the root are the files about the project itself. The Koolhaas’s text, the original one and a French translation of mine, the last save of the map, the basic plot, last render, etc.

And in practice?
As far as I don’t have the time to run a server, I propose that: every player willing to share its creation sending me, building on the downloadable plot, I put it on the map and update it, and send me its documentation so I could upload it in the Dropbox.

Chunky render. This Grid is waiting for you!

Progress5% complete

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08/11/2018 10:11 am
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Mlem Mlem Bat
billoxiiboy's Avatar
An adventurous idea. I look forward to seeing it grow!
08/11/2018 3:53 pm
Level 43 : Master Explorer
CPUser_'s Avatar
I do appreciate! I Hope you will not be disappointed ^^.
