Minecraft Maps / Land Structure

Mausoleum of Amrith (El-Meghazil) - Phoenician tombs reconstruction

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Level 54 : Grandmaster Architect
a small piece of middle eastern history
as a small part of Episode 4 of the 11500 BC Series.

The Mausoleum of Amrith (El-Meghazil)
is a phoenician tomb at amrith syria build around 600 AD.
actually the phoenician where long gone by the time the tombs was build, but it hold all the typical feature of "traditional" phoenician architecture so I wanted to reconstructed it. As today their is not more then some rubble on site.

The location in 11500 BC is (like always: not perfect)
due to some space issues in phoenician homeland
the tomb can be find right infront of the baal hammon temple in Carthage.

to learn more about what the 11500 BC Project is about, you can have a look here.

The Site (Ancient Art by Dr. Franz Reber)
The monumental tombs of Amrith are not less important than these places of worship; the ruins known under the name El-Auamid-el-Meghazil (the spindle-columns) are truly majestic. (Fig. 95.) The first rises in three cylindrical steps upon a square platform little elevated above the ground. The lower part, 2.5 m. in height and 5.15 m. in diameter, built of two stones, is ornamented over the corners of the platform with engaged lions, which are among the most prominent works of Phœnician sculpture known, and will be considered at greater length below. Upon this first cylindrical step rests a block 7 m. high, ornamented at the base with delicately curved moulding, and at the summit with dentils and battlements. These latter are found also upon fragments from Jebeil in conjunction with squares and rosettes and a particularly characteristic frieze of straight-lined laurel branches; they show great similarity to Mesopotamian remains. In the circular plan of the structure there is no reminiscence of Egyptian methods of art; an hemispherical termination lends to the whole so marked an individuality that, although its form seems not to have been universal, or even the most common, upon the Syrian coasts, there yet may be recognized in this monument a truly original Phœnician type. In the development of memorial stones a cultured people generally expresses its fundamental artistic conceptions, as is the case with the pyramidal termination of Egyptian obelisks, and with the Assyrian piers terminated by a stepped terrace, in both of which are embodied the lines predominant in the architecture of those nations. A stairway hewn in the rock leads to the subterranean burial chambers; its entrance is at some little distance from the monument, as shown in the section Fig. 95. Only 6 m. removed from this rises a second pile, which, from a certain parallelism of position, seems to belong with it. It is simpler than the first, consisting of a cube measuring 3 m. upon the side, so roughly hewn that it appears a block taken just as it was quarried; upon it is a monolithic cylinder 4 m. high and 3.7 m. in diameter, terminated by a five-sided pyramid of steep inclination. Somewhat removed from these are two similar monuments, of which the better preserved stands upon steps and rises in two cubes, separated by a cornice of wavy outline, the upper block terminating in a four-sided pyramid, now almost entirely overthrown. It is remarkable for the monolithic horizontal covering of the entrance to the grave chambers, which is again a little distant from the base. Of the pyramidal termination of its neighbor, only traces remain. All these monuments were in part cut from the native rock and in part composed of enormous monoliths; a fifth, of considerably greater dimensions, was built of quarried stones. Of this latter, the commanding mausoleum known under the name of Burdj-el-Bezzak (Tower of the Snails), little remains beyond the platform, which measures 11 m. in height and 9 m. in the square plan. The four-sided pyramid, of obtuse inclination, placed upon this elevation, is now entirely overthrown. The blocks, 5 m. long, are hewn only upon the joints, and left with a rough face. A cornice of curved profile ran around the platform; within it are two chambers, each lighted by a small window, the existence of which rendered the otherwise customary grotto beneath the pile superfluous.

11500 BC Website - more pictures & details about the ancient history
Visit us on 11500bc.de to get more historic background , links to interesting dokumentations and more (currently only avaiable in german, working on the english at least when not building)

is attached
11500BC Server + Dynmap:

more details to 11500 BC server you can find here and Dynmap as well


Hope you enjoyed?!

Thanks a lot again for all the support.
If you like ancient history and want see or learn more about it favor, diamond , subscribe or pm me.
I am happy for every comment, so feel free,
if you wish that I feature an ancient culture which did not earn the spotlight so far just let me know.
Progress100% complete

1 Update Logs

Update #1 - reworked the submission : by bjbrown84 12/27/2015 5:11:06 amDec 27th, 2015

- made some final changes on the mausoleum
- added some backround information
- added video & schematics

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12/28/2015 1:09 am
Level 47 : Master Network
beautiful as always
12/27/2015 6:43 pm
Level 38 : Artisan Architect
Great work man!
12/27/2015 6:58 am
Level 76 : Legendary Crafter
looks awesome =)
