Minecraft Maps / Other

The Persona 5 Project

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Level 22 : Expert Dragonborn
This project is basically a persona 5 map build and role play I need builders currently but I will get actors and skin builders later basically I need 11 people to build this map with me this will be hard work I need really hard workers for this and I need good skiners for this... so just message me on skype if your up for it my name is Dosmaster12 also I have discord Joji#0638 or email me at zeonxander12@gmail.com I need all the help I can get I would really appreciate it if you joined message me anytime I will answer soon or at that moment
Progress5% complete

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10/16/2017 4:49 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
i sent a skype message, hopefully you read it
