Minecraft Maps / Land Structure

The Roman Arch of Constantine

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Level 44 : Master Architect
This is from my hand built Roman architecture section of my server. I made this back in October of 2010 along with my Colosseum. I was among the first if not the first to do so and I take pride in it. Thought I would throw this up here along with my aqua-ducts and possibly my roman Colosseum which is equipped with trap doors that work with a switch from the Caesars room to let out mobs. Up if you like it or leave a comment. Thanks.

The video of the Colosseum and the arch of Constantine is an old one a few maps back but it shows you what it looks like in the game.

Be sure to check out my youtube channel at VBgames Youtube

Be sure to check out my website at www.vbgames.net
Progress100% complete

1 Update Logs

Update #1 : by joshcvb 11/17/2011 4:45:19 pmNov 17th, 2011

updated the save file

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09/02/2011 9:53 pm
Level 22 : Expert Architect
Send me a message when you upload more Roman buildings, I love their Architecture, hoping to build a Roman town on my Server [Isn't 24/7 & I think its Hamachi Lol] :P Like what you've built :D [Up!]
