Minecraft Maps / Land Structure

The Royal Inn Stables - A Tudor Style Barn and Stables project (Created in 1.13, Works in 1.19.4)

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Level 57 : Grandmaster Engineer
The Royal Inn Stables is Here! (Created in 1.13, Works in 1.19.4)

The finished Royal Inn Stables compliments the Royal Inn project. It is now featured in the Great Turtle Bay Makeover project and is included in the downloadable world map. Original built in MC 1.13.2, we have successfully used it in every version through 1.19.4.

We had a poll to determine the final design. It seems we need to inform the stablemaster that won't get his luxury apartment after all. He won't be happy. As a result, we are now considering the project at 100%.
On a side note, cats and mobs sometimes get stuck in the stalls. We were able to tame and breed 7 cat variants right in the stable!

Thanks to everyone! As always. Please, leave any comments or suggestions, and if you like it, please favorite it or leave a diamond. Don't forget to subscribe today to stay up to date and join us on discord!

Thanks, Digger

The Design Includes...
  • 10 animal stalls,
  • a huge hay loft with work area,
  • a small blacksmith workshop,
  • a small stablemasters apartment,
  • an upper loft area; and
  • oh yeah, Fireplaces! Using the simple design featured in our Fireplace project

NOTE: Version 3 of the schematic has been released to correct the fire hazard recently found in the Blacksmith's area. The new model fits the exact same dimensions as previous versions. Only the first floor interior is affected.

It seems that the previous stablemaster was unhappy with our decison not to give him a luxury apartment above the stables. So, he bribed one of the stone masons working on the site to leave the room with a wooden ceiling. This has been fixed! Currently, there is a warrant out for the arrest of Vernon Cringely. There is a $500 DiggerBuck reward for his capture. If you spot him SHOOT HIM ON SITE!

Progress100% complete

15 Update Logs

Update #15 : by DiggerMcGee 06/23/2023 9:02:01 amJun 23rd, 2023

Minor edits and corrections...

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01/04/2020 4:22 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Hi, can you please fix the download link? Thanks a lot, because the scheme looks beautiful ...

EDIT: it works on internet explorer, chrome does not...
08/26/2019 6:58 am
Level 30 : Artisan Taco
A reward for capture, but shoot on sight??? does capturing his dead body count?
08/26/2019 8:55 am
Level 57 : Grandmaster Engineer
Absolutely! In fact, there is a double reward if you can drag his dead body to the court house.
08/26/2019 9:23 am
Level 30 : Artisan Taco
Ah. Got it. Thx for the clarification.
08/22/2019 12:42 pm
Level 1 : New Crafter
This is not downloadable..?

I click the download button but weird text/symbols starts showing up once i go to the download page.

08/22/2019 12:52 pm
Level 57 : Grandmaster Engineer
Seems to work fine. But, you must save it instead of opening it directly. the saved file can then be copied to your schematics plugin folder (for example "plugins/schematics/")
08/08/2019 8:27 pm
Level 1 : New Crafter
Wow! Awesome build! :)
04/14/2019 6:14 am
Level 30 : Artisan Architect
Great Build !
04/10/2019 7:51 am
Level 57 : Grandmaster Engineer
Thanks! My goal is to develop stuff you can't can actually use in game
04/11/2019 5:57 pm
Level 21 : Expert Engineer
hey, I think you made a typo
