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Level 68 : High Grandmaster Architect
I am slowly trying to come back to minecraft, but i have had several things pulling me in all directions. Thank you all for your continued support

As you may remember from my previous city, the Spire Towers were the first towers to be placed in my city. In every city that i have built, i always started with this tower as the beginning of my city, starting with a 64 block high version in Minecraft Alpha 1.2.6. In its current iteration, there are two towers, one built to the ceiling of the world, and the second being 40m shorter. As some of you know, i discontinued my last city project, and started a new one. As before, these two towers are the first to be placed in my city. Due to the city being at block 26 rather than 63 (the height of a normal minecraft world), i have made the two towers 37m taller, and organized them into a small plaza with an amphitheatre, an entrance to a future subway station (which will be added later, once i begin working on the transit system), and a fountain. The overall height of the new towers were 229m and 189m above ground.

But to reflect the
change of Murata, i figured the style of the old towers were simple compared to the detail of my newer projects. So, i once again decided to redesign my iconic towers. The new plaza is designed similarly to the old one, but the towers have more detail and have increased in size of their footprints. The height is still the same, 189 and 229. To show the history, i have left the original images up, but i have taken down the original files. Let me know what you think of the new design.

I am using the High Rossferry Texture Pack
Thank you to Darkone55

Creative Commons License
The Spires by jduartemiller is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
Progress100% complete

3 Update Logs

Update #3 : by jduartemiller 03/19/2017 4:33:13 amMar 19th, 2017

Redesigned the towers and enlarged the plaza space to fit them. Renders of the new buildings were added, removed old files.

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09/19/2014 1:09 pm
Level 57 : Grandmaster Lava Rider
That amphitheatre picture is quite interesting. Seems to have a road besides pedestrians lanes in the new city. What about street ligts?
Out of curiousity how many levels lay the city above water level?

As last: Yikes, did you start playing minecraft in the alpha version already?!
09/19/2014 1:23 pm
Level 68 : High Grandmaster Architect
Yes, i did start playing in alpha. I've been playing this game for a while lol. As for the streets, yes i do plan on making street lights, though i am still working on their design, so they won't be seen for a while. I'm confused by your second question, but if you are asking how many floors the tower has above sea level, it should be 52 for the taller tower, and 42 for the shorter one. Though if you are asking where the city lies above sea level, sea level is at block 24, and the city is at 26 (standard worlds have sea level at 63)
09/19/2014 1:48 pm
Level 57 : Grandmaster Lava Rider
I started in the beta somewhere before the creative mode update. I simply didn´t expect you to play already in alpha.

And yes I meant sea level, 2 blocks or 2m doesn´t seem much for a city at a sea.
09/19/2014 1:52 pm
Level 68 : High Grandmaster Architect
I know, i plan to do something along the shore, but at the moment, my focus is elsewhere
09/19/2014 12:50 pm
Level 6 : Apprentice Ranger
Great! Diamond + subb+ fav. :D
09/19/2014 1:23 pm
Level 68 : High Grandmaster Architect
Thank you
09/19/2014 12:43 pm
Level 75 : Legendary Magical Girl War Lord
Nueh this is cute!
09/19/2014 12:46 pm
Level 68 : High Grandmaster Architect
Lol, thanks. I think that's the first time one of my buildings has been called cute
09/19/2014 2:52 pm
Level 75 : Legendary Magical Girl War Lord
Heh alright, np! :)
07/26/2013 4:10 pm
Level 33 : Artisan Demolitionist
Looking good.
