Minecraft Maps / Challenge & Adventure

The Stone Age - A Minecraft Survival Map

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Level 15 : Journeyman Engineer
In this survival map you must try to get all achievements, from making a cake, to killing the Ender Dragon, and dealing 8 hearts of damage in one hit, with only stone tools and nothing better than leather armor. It is a must try for those who want a good challenge or a great Minecraft YouTube series. You can do it with as many people as you would like to. Good Luck. Please comment new Ideas for this project.
Progress50% complete

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10/13/2013 11:49 pm
Level 1 : New Crafter
I notice how it says 50%

could I help you build it?
10/14/2013 2:54 pm
Level 15 : Journeyman Engineer
I say that is not 100% because I want to hear what you guys have to say, I do not need help building anything, thank you for the offer. But you can play it, try it out, and make a list of suggestions. I hope this helps.
