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The WW1 Christmas Truce of 1914

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Level 40 : Master Wolf Warrior
In the year 1914, during December, the Christmas Truce had begun. British, French, and German soldiers gathered in a small act of peace to celebrate the holidays. They lit candles in the trenches and set up trees, later gathering in No Man’s Land to exchange gifts, share stories, sing carols, and more. Others simply held a ceasefire, allowing each side to collect its dead from No Man’s Land.

Graham Williams of the London Rifle Brigade wrote about how the truce began with German soldiers singing Stille Nacht (Silent Night) on Christmas Eve. The British soldiers, at first surprised, later joined in with their own carols, and the two sides sang across No Man’s Land. He also noted how the Germans called out across No Man’s Land, saying, “If you don’t shoot, we won’t shoot!” Later, both sides began to climb out of the trenches and meet in the middle of No Man’s Land.

He described shaking hands with the enemy and exchanging small gifts like food, tobacco, and souvenirs. One particular thing he noted was the sharing of Christmas traditions, with Germans lighting candles and offering cigars, while British soldiers offered plum pudding. He observed how soldiers showed each other photographs of their families—a reminder of the shared humanity between the opposing sides.

There was also talk of football games (known as soccer to Americans), though it is not known for certain if they occurred. Bruce Bairnsfather noted that he met with German soldiers in No Man’s Land, where they shared cigars and jokes.

In some areas, the Christmas Truce lasted until New Year’s Day, as soldiers were hesitant to fire on their newfound “friends.” However, officers eventually ordered the fighting to resume.

(Note to be taken in the end) Even though we might come from different places, we are all humans, all brothers. No one wants to fight in the end but is often forced to by those driven by greed and power....

Hope this taught you something have a happy holiday season! and if you have any more things to say about this please say it in the comments to teach those who know nothing =D

Christmas Truce | Facts & History | Britannica
Good Will Toward Men: The Great War's Christmas Truce | Headlines & Heroes
German and British Soldiers, Christmas Truce 1914 [1024x769] :  r/MilitaryPorn
A Christmas Truce -
CreditAll those great people out there who support me =D and all those who have a story to tell
Progress100% complete

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01/14/2025 2:24 pm
He/Him • Level 5 : Apprentice Modder
very interesting thanks man
01/14/2025 2:36 pm
He/Him • Level 40 : Master Wolf Warrior
np! glad you like it! and hope it taught you smth!
01/14/2025 11:29 am
Level 16 : Journeyman Collective Ranger
didnt a german chap literaly delete the ball with his Pikelhaube..
01/14/2025 11:33 am
He/Him • Level 40 : Master Wolf Warrior
12/16/2024 2:26 am
Level 54 : Grandmaster Miner
Nicely done and a very timely reminder 👍🎄
12/11/2024 9:09 am
He/Him • Level 36 : Artisan Dragonborn Nerd
12/11/2024 9:17 am
He/Him • Level 40 : Master Wolf Warrior
Interesting what does it mean? i have not heard this one before (im ownly 14 and i allready feel like im getting old.... ) XD
12/11/2024 9:20 am
He/Him • Level 36 : Artisan Dragonborn Nerd
wdym this is amazing so this is why we call u the goat and bro u WAAAY smarter than me cuz i no nothing about history while u bro lol and i only play call of duty on my xbox so thats why i know a few guns
12/11/2024 9:22 am
He/Him • Level 40 : Master Wolf Warrior
XD history is my fav thing and i plan to make some more really cool historic maps and builds with stuff like this to teach people history =D a wise man once said "history repeats its self therefore if you know the past you know the future. =D
12/11/2024 9:25 am
He/Him • Level 36 : Artisan Dragonborn Nerd
=D who was this wise man
