Minecraft Maps / Pixel Art

This Is Shelly

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Level 8 : Apprentice Miner
Shelly is my newest minecraft creation, and as with most of my builds I used wool again! <3

She's supposed to be like a sea monster I think (?) to be honest I was just building, originally I was going for a sort of crab/shrimp but halfway through I got a bit silly, okay a lot silly, and started adding like spines and dark tentacle thingies to it.

Just wanted to show the world, still no map download unfortunately, as I'm unsure how to without providing like the whole creative world, or creating a new world for each and every build I do (which would be disastrous cause then I'd have to like move a zillion files around each time I do some work)
Progress100% complete

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01/21/2025 8:18 pm
Level 10 : Journeyman Miner
I think you should use this as a custom mob skin! I think that would be a fun idea! I'm sure lots of people would download it!
01/21/2025 9:35 pm
She/Her • Level 8 : Apprentice Miner
I'm glad you like it! I'll try reskinning silverfish to look like her, but I'm not good with custom skins so no promises.
01/23/2025 10:38 am
Level 10 : Journeyman Miner
Ah ok! Me neither, but me and different members of the team have our own strongsuits! (This is PotatoFace btw) We do have a member who is trying to make custom mobs, or at least learn how to! I have no idea how to personally unfortunately...
01/21/2025 12:18 pm
Level 5 : Apprentice Miner
Nice! I Make Minecraft Maps That are pretty cool if they are filled in! but there not but nice!
