Minecraft Maps / Water Structure

TITAN Submarine - Ocean Gate

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NotNightNoodle's Avatar NotNightNoodle
Level 24 : Expert Taco
My deepest condolences go out to the family of those involved. May they rest in peace.

This map is a replica of the submersible "TITAN". This submarine was used to host tours of the Titanic before going missing in July.
Don't look at any of the details intensely as i only had a few pictures due to the submarine being relatively new before going missing.

As always you can use this map for anything (except making fun of those who died) as long as i get credit.

Progress100% complete

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06/25/2023 10:52 pm
Level 49 : Master uwu uwu
HMS_Neptune_Mywaifu's Avatar
woah, so fast
06/22/2023 10:57 pm
Level 58 : Grandmaster Sailor
backoutandjoin's Avatar
06/23/2023 7:44 am
Level 24 : Expert Taco
NotNightNoodle's Avatar
How is this tasteless? I have clearly stated that i am deeply sorry for those who have lost their loved ones. This is purely a recreation of the submarine used and is in no way trying to make fun of the company or those who have passed.

06/23/2023 9:09 pm
Level 58 : Grandmaster Sailor
backoutandjoin's Avatar
there's just no need for it
06/25/2023 4:11 am
Level 1 : New Miner
zerocool4406's Avatar
The Minecraft community continuously re-creates buildings and structures that have, at one point or another, succumbed to a disaster of some sort. This is a natural process, and doesn't, in any way, imply insensitivity. Some examples would be Titanic, The Twin Towers, Chernobyl - these have all been re-created many times. Would these also be considered tasteless, when many more lives have been lost in these disasters? I'm guessing the reason you believe it's tasteless is the result of the tragedy occurring so recently. But this is just one of the many ways that people remember these awful events.
06/25/2023 1:47 pm
Level 58 : Grandmaster Sailor
backoutandjoin's Avatar
Its the timing. It's obvious he did this taking full advantage of the current interest surrounding it, and did it to capitalize on that. The examples you provided are different for several reasons, mainly that they are interesting architectural accomplishments and minus the tragedy still have an appeal all on their own. This sub has no appeal or intrigue beyond the tragedy. I never said insensitive, I said tasteless. Tasteless to hastily recreate the sub just to get attention based off a current tragedy. Its like the people who are making dioramas of the current war in Ukraine. Capitalizing on the latest hot news topic. That's what's tasteless.
06/28/2023 12:38 am
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06/24/2023 11:00 am
Level 24 : Expert Taco
NotNightNoodle's Avatar
there's not really a need for most builds on this platform but they're cool so it doesn't really matter, does it? it's the same as you building the titanic: Just a cool build and maybe some other people like it ; )
06/23/2023 6:39 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
User4644073G's Avatar
whats the point though
06/23/2023 11:55 pm
Level 1 : New Crafter
Eabo_80's Avatar
Dont be an idiot, Its a freaking submarine. Its the exact same thing as building a house some old guy died in. You would have no problem with that would you? Stop being so soft
