Minecraft Maps / Challenge & Adventure

TLoZ Twilight Princess

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Level 17 : Journeyman Crafter
This is the very first thing I have ever tried to build on minecraft 5 years ago, now I seriously want to make it fully fonctional, and 100% faithful to the original game

There is a lot of work to do, builds, command blocks and story line, quests, fonctional items from the game, musics etc, and as I also have to work irl, this will not be the fastest progress ever seen ^^, but I will update as I make progress little by little

For now there is no full map to download, I have schematics on several files that I will assemble when the time comes. This is not much, but if you want to use some of it anyway, please ask me before and feature me clearly in your work.

I use worldedit on fabric loader and optifine for better rendering (likely to be needed, I will add custom items), as well as a ×32 faithful resource pack that I modify when needed for custom textures ripped from the game or inspired by it, and custom gui, to make the map more realistic. I will also use the cutscene generator by The Redstone Scientist and WorldPainter for general terraforming.

Do not use the pack in any other world or you are going to have a hard time, really, it is made especially for this adventure map

  - Hyrule Castle
  - Chamber of Stone (past)
  - Snowpeak Mansion
  - Eldin's Bridge
  - Great bridge of Hylia

Have a nice day ! ^^
Progress0% complete

4 Update Logs

Update #3 : by MonteCrysto 11/04/2019 6:18:48 amNov 4th, 2019

*Link edit* All the maps and the pack are now on Mega, too heavy for planetminecraft

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10/30/2019 5:15 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Damn man, looking good! This is by far one of my favourite games, and for it to be made in Minecraft is a dream come true. Thank you so much for doing this and I hope all goes well. Thanks again man :)
10/30/2019 7:13 pm
Level 17 : Journeyman Crafter
Thanks ! This is my absolute favourite Zelda game too ^^, but I think it will take a year or too to go, as I want it kind of "pixel perfect" and it is a one-man project. Hope you will stay tuned for later updates !
10/30/2019 1:23 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer
wow so far looks really good wish you best of luck
10/30/2019 1:41 pm
Level 17 : Journeyman Crafter
Thanks a lot ! Hope you will enjoy the map once finished too ^^
