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Level 30 : Artisan Architect Artist
Welcome to Toontown Recrafted!

Our beloved town Toontown has been invaded by cogs! They are tearing down our toony buildings and attempting to change our very way of life. The cogs have turned the world from day to night, making cogs able to appear at all times of the day. We need you to stop the terrible cogs and bring back the sun to Toontown!
Are you Toon Enough?

What Is The Map?

Toontown is an adventure map made by Jango113 and AwesomeElephant5 with assistance from RetroZillaZz and Teh60.
The map is a fully working 1.19.2 vanilla adventure map that makes the entire Toontown game (and more!) able to be experienced in Minecraft. This includes fully working Toontasks, Cog Buildings, Upgrading Gags, Boss Fights, Trolly Games and much much more all through vanilla Minecraft. No mods required.

How Do I Play?

Toontown Recrafted is 100% complete but is currently under going lots of play testing. We have already found bugs and are working on removing them and making the gameplay as bug free as possible. With this said, this is our first adventure map so we expect patches to continue after release. Since the map is made entirely through vanilla no mods are required, you only need to play the map on version 1.19.2! After more play testing, the maps version 1.0 will be downloadable from this page. Please be patient as a lot of care is going into this project and we want to thoroughly test it.
Read everything in the folder before playing the map.


We understood early on that this map is very ambitious as its basically a video within a video game so we expected some players to get lost or confused. To combat this, we have made a website with full details on how everything works! This website will also have gameplay tutorials incase anyone struggles to understand the in-game instructions. Check the site out and use it on your adventure, it'll help you out even if you're a pro.

Link: ianbowers777.wixsite.com/toontownrecrafted

Progress100% complete

6 Update Logs

Update #6: Toontown Recrafted V1.2!! : by AwesomeElephant5 07/02/2024 7:53:35 pmJul 2nd, 2024

Hello Toons!

Long time no see!

After reviewing footage of play throughs and suggestions, Toontown Recrafted has gotten its first official update. This update mainly introduces more quality of life changes and bug fixes that people encountered. We have also released a Sandbox version of the map where everything will be unlocked from the start of the game. All bosses can be played as many times as you desire with no cog suit or experience required. We hope these changes improve the gameplay experience for players that want to experience the map without too large of a time commitment. Attached below is a list of bug fixes and new additions to the map!

Have fun!


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04/05/2023 11:28 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Haven't logged into this account in years, only did now to comment on this.

You guys did an amazing job on this map. In terms of builds, It is literally not possible to do any better than this to replicate the Toontown world. The builds are perfect.

My only complaint is the playability is a bit disappointing (no actual cog models, etc).
04/04/2023 10:06 pm
Level 7 : Apprentice Network
Playing through the map, so far very fun, currently in DG and will update on bugs and suggestions that I can think of.

Edit: Made it to DDL working on my cashbot suit right now.


  1.  Instead of having you get a new pair of boots each time "Upgrade" the old one by also requiring to give that in as well as the item the quester wants, this way you have no extra ones that you have to put in a chest.
  2. Add Teleports to the Cog HQs after beating the Bosses/beating them a set number of times, similar to Toontown in leveling the Cog suit. There is a way, I won't spoil how.
  3. Add a way to sell pufferfish, I've caught like 20 of them and just had to toss them away.
  4. There is a Phantom spawn in DDL, and while I'm not complaining for an easier way to fight them, all other department type's rarest are only in 5 story buildings, facilities, or boss fights. I suggest if possible switching it out for the magma cream since there isn't really any spawns for those. Purely for consistency sake.
  5. Either remove or revamp the timer in most parts. I was relatively split on the timer for a portion of this, as I suspected it was in use for multiplayer, giving everyone a chance to do stuff, but the more you play, the more it ruins parts of the map with it. In a map clearly built for strategy and using the different tools at your disposal the game throws that out the window with you now on a time crunch, forcing you to kill the cogs as fast as possible, leading the most useful gags to be those that deal the most damage the quickest, generally being the pickaxe for hoards and the axe/trident for quick kills. The timer unfortunately makes the shovel used less because now you can't slow them down to heal, you need to kill fast and heal after everything is dead. This really shined through during the mints, slowing the player down and forcing them to kill the Cogs without a time crunch was much more fun, and allowed you to think through everything, I suggest if you have the chance to do so, go back and remove the timer from the Factory and Buildings, but if nothing else, especially the Buildings at least.
  6. Allow unites to be dropped during the CJ fight, since they get removed directly after there is no real worry of them being used to cheat the fight, plus can be then used at the beginning fight.


  1.  Task #5 DG - Rose asks you to get Sugar from Uncle Mud, however Rose's NPC actually requests for Sugar Cane, and Mud sells direct sugar. I suggest changing both to Sugar Cane because Witches can also drop sugar, leading to someone being able to skip the quest. Very important as game cannot be completed without cheating because of this.
  2. Sometimes it's possible to get caught in a Cog building elevator, where neither the exit button or start button work, you can fix this just by killing yourself by summoning something but quite an annoyance.
  3. After finishing my steak of the toonup track, I didn't receive the next gag. Upon /giving myself however 1 more piece of steak and eating it, I then got the golden carrots.
  4. Creeper blew up the building's lights lol, idk how that can be fixed because it's a minecraft thing in general of items frames blowing up from explosions but it was funny.
  5. Cave Spider either spawned on the other side or ran threw the hole in the gate to the other side while doing the coin mint, forcing me to get on spectator/creative to get to the other side, kill it, then go back to open up the next part.
  6. (Might be intentional) Endermen don't count towards the Bossbot Building floors, it's possible this is intended since Endermen are really finicky in the buildings in general, just teleporting out when hit by the Witches/Blazes, perhaps removing them entirely from the buildings wouldn't be a bad idea if they don't count anyways since I'm more than positive preventing teleportation entirely won't be a possibility.

I am having a lot of fun playing through all things considered. Really good map with clear care put into it.
04/03/2023 9:28 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Started to play the game and it is so much fun so far, I can't wait to see what else there is to do!! I'm also going to be doing a series on it too!
04/03/2023 1:06 pm
Level 30 : Artisan Architect Artist
Thank you!! So glad you’re having fun, looking forward to the videos!
04/02/2023 5:47 pm
Level 24 : Expert Archer
I played up to the end of DG and I thought I would leave my thoughts and critique so far.

TTC and DD dragged on way too long. DG felt like the perfect length for a playground.
At the end of TTC I already had diamond "gags."
I found myself cheating through DD and TTC because I really just wanted to see the HQ content, not the playground content.
Basically, I dont want to grind in a minecraft map.

The shovel gag feels too pointless to waste time training.

Alot of the Tasks in DG allow you to purchase multiple of the same item, mainly the boots.
Its not that big of an issue but it feels like an oversight.

The Factory seemed like a really cool area when I first got to see it, I wanted to take the time to explore it despite knowing its layout from already playing toontown.
The timer doesnt really allow for that however, and I think the time limit should be increased.

The "Dont do tasks at the same time" warning really doesnt make sense until you actually start playing, and I fear it could
turn away some people from trying this out with friends. It seems like the warning is there just so you dont split villager trades, which can cause issues.

The areas are WAY too big for how slow you move. I know clarabell sells a speed potion but thats still too slow.
Maybe a tool that you can buy that just from holding it, gives you like speed 2/3, could be a good solution for this. Just have the tool be disabled in buildings/facilities.

An oversight with the pet shop is that you can just infinitely be given treats, which can just be converted into beans since villagers dont care about named items unless they are specifically asking for one thats named.
Since buying a "coodle" gives you fish you basically get MORE jellybeans than what you paid.
Treats really dont need to be provided since you can obtain bones and fish through other means.

Why is Coach Zuccini in Spill the Beans detective agency?
He is iconically at the Squash and Stretch gym just down the street.

There are some dogs in DG, not sure if those are leftover from playtesting.
There is also a named from in BB, im not sure if thats supposed to be there either?
04/03/2023 1:06 pm
Level 30 : Artisan Architect Artist
Thank you for the feedback!
04/02/2023 5:47 pm
Level 24 : Expert Archer
The areas are WAY too big for how slow you move. I know clarabell sells a speed potion but thats still too slow.
Maybe a tool that you can buy that just from holding it, gives you like speed 2/3, could be a good solution for this. Just have the tool be disabled in buildings/facilities.

An oversight with the pet shop is that you can just infinitely be given treats, which can just be converted into beans since villagers dont care about named items unless they are specifically asking for one thats named.
Since buying a "coodle" gives you fish you basically get MORE jellybeans than what you paid.
Treats really dont need to be provided since you can obtain bones and fish through other means.

Why is Coach Zuccini in Spill the Beans detective agency?
He is iconically at the Squash and Stretch gym just down the street.

There are some dogs in DG, not sure if those are leftover from playtesting.
There is also a named from in BB, im not sure if thats supposed to be there either?
03/30/2023 11:54 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Farmer
I've seen a few outdated Toontown maps in my life on this site, but not an up to date one! Excited for release!

(P.S. If you can tell, yes its a cashbot skelecog pfp, I'll always love the game we grew up on!)
03/26/2023 2:52 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
I can't wait to play this it looks amazing and the boss fights look interesting to play. I'm really glad I saw this on twitter I'm gonna let everyone know about this!! :D
03/26/2023 8:45 pm
Level 30 : Artisan Architect Artist
Thank you!! :)
Can you send the Twitter link?
