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Level 39 : Artisan Miner
Treblinka was a Nazi death camp operated between 1942 to 1943 during the phase of Operation Reinhardt. Compared to Auschwitz, Treblinka was much smaller and its only purpose was for killing. It was in a secluded forest and woven with tree branches so nobody knew it was a death camp. In total, 700,000 to 900,000 people perished in Treblinka. More people were murdered here after Auschwitz. It was operated by SS men and Ukrainian guards called Trawniki-Männer. When people entered the camp they were unaware of where they were and were told that they were in a transit camp. In truth, they were sent to be undressed and take a "bath" not knowing this would be the final stage of their lives. The victims went through a fence path called Himmelstrasse(The Road to Heaven), and were led to the gas chambers where they suffocated from a tank engine that was connected from water pipes. Treblinka had no crematoriums and instead the Sonderkammondo had to forcefully dispose of their own people in dug out pits. Treblinka was divided into 3 zones and according to past survivors, it was in the shape of a trapezoid. The living quarters for SS and Ukrainian guards, Reception Area, and the death camp. In 1943, a Sonderkammondo uprising took place against SS personnel which many successfully escaped but not all of them.

I have been working on this map since 2019. It is a really sad build, I decided to make this project since someone made Auschwitz, and thought I could make a place from WWII that is not known to many people. The Nazis tried to cover everything up but because of past testimonies and ground penetrating radar, archeologists have a clear idea of what the camp looked like. This map is free for educational purposes as long as I am credited, I would greatly love it. Some things on the map might appear offensive, they were only made to represent historical accuracy, and not to offend anyone. I am a history buff and learning about WWII is one of my hobbies. I have worked on this camp on and off as I was afraid to build something so awful, but I did it in remembrance of those who perished.

World Painter
Tangram Heightmapper
MC Map Item Tool
Texture Pack: Misa_1.19b.zip
Shader: projectLUMA

For those who have Bedrock, this file is convertible from Java
Progress100% complete

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07/23/2024 3:35 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Btw, those Ukrainian guards were actually called Trawniki-Männer, not just "Trawniki". Trawniki was SS training camp, where those people were trained for their roles. And the formation was officially called SS-Wachmannschaften.
07/25/2024 10:44 pm
Level 39 : Artisan Miner
I have attempted to reconstruct Sobibor last year, I have not really been working on it because of the conflict in the Middle East, afraid I will get backlash for it. Belzec is another one I have wanted to work on, but there are no pictures or models of this camp and only two people were known to survive it. Pictures were unearthed of Sobibor in 2020. When I put my time into these projects, they can be depressing so I may take a break from them for a while.
07/25/2024 10:39 pm
Level 39 : Artisan Miner
Thank you for explaining, I built a reconstruction of this camp for remembrance, I have thought about building more reconstructions of WWII camps just like this one. But I am afraid it would be disrespectful to the dead and offensive to people who lost their families to the Holocaust. Mostly why I build these is because I love WWII history, but I am sure there are good sides of history than the bad.
12/08/2023 5:06 pm
Level 39 : Artisan Miner
I know Treblinka is not really popular known death camp compared to Auschwitz, feedback would be nice to hear. I know this is a terrible map but trial and error would be helpful. I have been taking a break from making more of the 6 death camps as it was messing with my depression.
07/16/2023 9:39 pm
Level 39 : Artisan Miner
Let me know if any of you have issues having access to the map. Because its 19.3 still, you might have to optimize it to the current version. I made it so everyone should have access to the link.
