Minecraft Maps / Land Structure

Ultimate Farmhouse (Survival - Interior - Download)

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Level 68 : High Grandmaster Architect
Version: 1.19.2++

Resource Pack: Patrix 32x32 Standalone (No custom heads or CIT)

Mods: None (Plugins = WorldEdit & Optifine)

Shader: Configured BSL

Architectural Style: "Plaas Huis", Cottage, South African

Schematic? Indeed!

Corresponding builds: #1 - #2 - #3 - #4

Short Description:

Using Minecraft and the Sims 4 as a building platform far outweighs the 3D software I've used since the inception of my fondness for breathing life into ideas on various mediums. This build granted me another opportunity to learn and better my craft with a diverse approach, purposed for survival.

The overall construct contains a whopping 1500+ bedded crops, a large farm house with a complex interior, intricate details, and enough production to keep you alive for weeks. Your protection is guaranteed, and your comfort a sustained experience.
I also added some "out of worldly" elements to the build, essentially adding some spice to an already wholesome serving. Truly a house worth your investment, and a journey luxuriously crafted for ten players. Omitting the temptation to stretch the bulk of the description, I'll simplify it by laying down the composition, thus:

Build Composition:

- 10 Unique Bedrooms
- 3 Restrooms
- 2 Kitchens
- 3 Fireplaces
- Entertainment room
- Lounging areas
- Study
- Dinning area
- Storage Room with powerful gear
- 2 Aquariums
- Indoor pool
- Outdoors pool
- Patio with outside seating
- Crash landed "space capsule" for mystery and immersion
- Books with various old and contemporary knowledge
- Vineyards
- Orchards
- 3 Windmills
- 1500+ crops (Diverse and organized)
- Blacksmith/Lumberjack cabin
- Pig stall
- Sheep stall
- Cow stall
- Horse Stables
- Axolotl pond
- Fish pond
- Large greenhouse
- Attic for extra space
- FPS mods for low end systems (Optional)
- Intricate details critically applied to bring the build together into a well rounded visual and functional experience
- Comfortable scale

Why Patreon?

Being a single builder has its merits and its constraints. Adding unique elements to builds with a combination of commands and tools takes a substantial stretch of vision, measurement, patience, creativity, time, focus, and intuitive guidance, often resulting in failure and frustration. 1 to 5 dollars for monumental effort is a small token of gratitude unimaginably appreciated. For those who take interest, you have my gratitude. For those who do not, I hope my free builds tends your needs. Those who subscribed; your support is cherished and chiseled in virtual stone. Thank you!

Quote, because why not:

"Everyday courage has few witnesses, but yours is no less noble, because no drum beats for you, and no crowd shout your name."

Robert Louis Stevenson

New Builder Guide Posts:

Gradient Creator:

Custom Paintings:

WorldEdit Tutorial:

World Painter:

Minecraft Books Set I:

Minecraft Books Set II:

Minecraft Books Set III:

Shader Catalog:

CreditWorldEdit, Optifine, BSL Shaders, Patrix RP, And the PMC community for the support and inspiration!
Progress100% complete

3 Update Logs

Update #3 : by Peculiar-Gemini 11/13/2024 12:57:34 amNov 13th, 2024

Added "Corresponding builds" to string together all the Patrix builds I've constructed thus far. Since the build I'm currently working on will incorporate this RP, I thought I'd update this post as a complementary addition to said-build, which is about 5% in the making. If you want to follow my progress for whatever reason, you can do so via my Patreon, with-or-without membership.
Thanks for those who support the effort I put into these builds, you are the absolute best! (^_^)7

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11/14/2024 9:01 pm
Level 61 : High Grandmaster Pirate
Very pretty, great stuff man
11/14/2024 10:44 pm
Level 68 : High Grandmaster Architect
Thank you man, I appreciate it!
11/13/2024 8:53 am
He/Him • Level 18 : Journeyman Dragon
11/14/2024 10:43 pm
Level 68 : High Grandmaster Architect
Much appreciated!
Mine Maus Craft
04/03/2024 4:48 am
Level 64 : High Grandmaster Blockhead
Looks very beautiful!
04/04/2024 2:44 am
Level 68 : High Grandmaster Architect
Thank you, that means a lot!
05/07/2023 7:23 am
Level 30 : Artisan Sus
Looks really nice dude
05/07/2023 11:15 am
Level 68 : High Grandmaster Architect
Thanks man, I really appreciate it!
