Minecraft Maps / Air Structure

UT-47A Kodiak Drop Shuttle

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Level 88 : Elite Elf Deity

this is an airborne personnel carrier from the videogame series "Mass Effect".
The version I built appears in Mass Effect 3 and is used by the Systems Alliance. An unarmed variant (the UT-47 Kodiak) used by Cerberus already appears in Mass Effect 2.
The Kodiak is capable of atmospheric flight as well as spaceflight and can mostly be seen ferrying troops from the Normandy to the surface of planets that the Normandy can not land on due to its size. In this role it replaces the Mako as the Normandy's main planetary landing craft. Theoretically it could also be used as a submarine, however that has never been tested practically.
Many UT-47A Kodiaks can be seen during the initial attack of the Reapers on Earth evacuating civilians. Even more of them are present during the final battle to retake Earth.
Ingame there are 2 different models of this ship, one with a large side window and one with a smaller one. I built the one that appears in most cutscenes, which is the one with the small window. Interestingly, both can be found inside the Normandy's shuttle bay.

Before you paste the schematic make sure to set //perf update and neighbors to off and paste with entities (//paste -e).

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12/04/2024 12:25 pm
Level 16 : Journeyman Explorer
My favorite drop vessel!
12/05/2024 7:41 am
He/Him • Level 88 : Elite Elf Deity
Mine too :D In Mass Effect 2 I didn't like it at all but in Mass Effect 3 they made it look really cool again ^^
12/04/2024 12:23 am
Level 7 : Apprentice Taco
FANTASTIC!! I'll be building this in my mc world! I love these types of vehicles THX FOR MAKING THS!!
12/04/2024 12:29 am
He/Him • Level 88 : Elite Elf Deity
Sure, no problem, have fun ^^
