Minecraft Maps / 3D Art

Venator class Star Destroyer - 1/2 - No interior

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Level 14 : Journeyman Miner
Here's a Venator class Star destroyer from Star Wars.

I didn't want to make it too small or too big so I decided to make it 1/2 - one block for 2 meters in order to display it entirely with a 35 chunks render distance.

There is no interior, for me the most interesting part is designing the ship itself.

The eagle heads simply are the logo of the server I built on.

Special thanks to BauMaxe who also built a Venator but in 1/1, he did an amazing job and its work greatly help me for some dimensions I couldn't find by myself : https://www.planetminecraft.com/project/venator-star-destroyer-star-wars-full-scale/

/!\ My ship is not 100% accurate, some details come from my imagination and some "mixes" of many Venator destroyers (there is a very large amout of venator class ships the Republic made, they are all differents and each of them got specifics features and design).
CreditBauMaxe : https://www.planetminecraft.com/project/venator-star-destroyer-star-wars-full-scale/
Progress100% complete

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