Minecraft Maps / Air Structure

[Oscdea] Octavia Class cruiser

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Ocanam's Avatar Ocanam
Level 51 : Grandmaster Professor
The cruiser serves as an efficient platform in deploying both ground and air forces, carrying a wide range of fighter jets, tanks, and mobile command centers used during invasion operations.

Throughout the ship, the Octavia is fitted with two main hyper Ion cannons, a multitude of antimatter cannons, and missile bays. Although it’s sees inferiority in long-range ship to ship combat, the Octavia exceeds limitation during close-range combat, as it’s equipped with 70 secondary heavy repeating ion cannons can be very unforgiving when it comes to tearing metal hulls.

Another feature of the Octavia is its ability to serve as a mobile command center or base during invasion operations. Its hull design allows it to land and operate on the ground without any significant difficulties.

This build was made for The Corporate Hub Roleplay, a community of people roleplaying in a fictional universe entirely created by us, with its own lore and history. Far in the future, on an Earth ravaged by natural disasters, city-states and corporations of equal power fight for power on a fully built Minecraft landmass. There are elements of futurism, as great airships roam the skies under the fleets of their respective factions, plasma bolts fly across battlefields, and automated tanks roll through cities. However, there remains an element of our world today, with factions squabbling for power, the constant threat of disease and starvation, and diplomacy being the only thing keeping everyone from plunging into wars.
In this RP, you can expect:

  • Quality Character RP, both as the leader of your faction and others within it.
  • Entertaining, Immersing Lore.
  • Engaging Diplomacy and Conflict.
  • A fully-fledged, detailed world with several city-states and corporate facilities.
  • Grand battles, harsh, real relationships between characters and factions, and a friendly community.

If you're interested, please visit our discord at https://discord.gg/5Avwde2. Once there, we'll get you started, get you a nation, and get you involved with the world.

Also, for more information, check out our wiki! https://thecorphub-archive.fandom.com/f.
Progress100% complete

1 Update Logs

Update #1 : by Ocanam 09/07/2020 4:53:50 pmSep 7th, 2020

Added Download link and updated discord link.

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09/29/2021 4:07 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
mindmanager's Avatar
10/06/2020 8:31 pm
She/Her • Level 30 : Artisan Princess Button Pusher
Kontik's Avatar
love this build style
09/08/2020 1:30 pm
Level 50 : Grandmaster Engineer
Laserbilly's Avatar
Where did you come from? These are some great looking ships!
01/07/2020 2:53 pm
Level 59 : Grandmaster Lad
Pixelr's Avatar
Do you design them yourself from scratch?
01/13/2020 1:11 am
Level 51 : Grandmaster Professor
Ocanam's Avatar
01/07/2020 11:19 am
Level 59 : Grandmaster Lad
Pixelr's Avatar
01/07/2020 12:46 am
Level 52 : Grandmaster Ranger
Download ? I love the ship.
