Minecraft Maps / Air Structure

Working Air Warship with TNT Cannon turrets - Silver Empire Light Cruiser - works in 1.7 and 1.8

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Level 63 : High Grandmaster Engineer
A armed and armored zeppelin style warship that flies and fights using the Movecraft plugin. The TNT cannon turrets work even without the plugin, in either Minecraft 1.7.x or 1.8


After the disastrous failed invasion of South Haven (See Minecraft Airship Pirates Episode 17) it became aparent that the Silver Empire needed ships to provide close-in protection for their carriers. They could no longer rely on absolute air superiority to keep them safe. Therefore, with typical Silver Empire efficiency, they modified many of their existing Raider warships into Light Cruisers, designed to fight off enemy warships and draw fire away from the vulnerable carriers.

The modifications to the Raider base design was relatively simple and, most importantly, cheap. Large numbers of Light Cruisers were built as rapidly as possible and they served a pivotal role in the front lines of the War of Acquistion.


3 x Double Barrel Cannon Turrets - These turrets featured advanced gun elevation control, as well as a long range and better penetrating power than the old static forward gun of the Raider. A simple but effective design, it became the model for many future weapon platforms.
12 x AA Fire Guns - 5 on each side and 2 facing forward. Useful for shooting down enemy fighters or incoming torpedoes.

Get Movecraft here: 

Use these craft files for Movecraft, put them in the plugins\movecraft\types directory:  

Finally, if you need help setting up Movecraft, use this tutorial: 
Progress100% complete

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12/01/2014 8:41 pm
Level 23 : Expert Engineer
I don't know if this is just me, but i'm having issues with this ship (and a few others.)
I am running a fairly late build of spigot 1.8, and I am running the latest movecraft build, along with the new world edit snapshot and essentials. I pasted this schematic into my world, went inside, and things work great! I love how the remote signs now tell oyu what way the turret is facing, but when I shoot it, I can't see it from inside. I went out and took a look, and it seems that the cannons fire at a pretty steep angle UP. Like 45 degrees or more. I can't seem to get it to fire straight, and I have seen the probem on a few other ships in the new 1.8 build. Do you have any leads on to this?
12/02/2014 1:59 am
Level 63 : High Grandmaster Engineer
Yeah, if you watch the video I talk about how to use the gun. Basically, if you want to shoot straight you will need to be running 1.8, and the 2 repeaters on the bridge will need to be set to no clicks. Also, be careful because you can blow your own nose off if the midships gun is facing one of the other turrets. To angle up to fire over the turrets, add clicks to the repeaters. Each click raises the elevation of the gun.

Another problem is that the gun is so long range the shell typically explodes beyond the range at which Minecraft will show you explosions. The easy way to fix this is to remove the propellent from all but 2 of the propellent dispensers. That will limit the range to what is visible.
12/02/2014 11:11 am
Level 23 : Expert Engineer
Sweet, I will try that! I haven't had time to watch the video, but I will as soon as I can! Thanks so much for the help, and keep the awesomeness coming!
11/02/2014 2:00 pm
Level 38 : Artisan Engineer
I was just wondering about if a cannon could be safe for 1.8 and1.7!
Could you make a list of Cannons that blow up in 1.8 and how (if possible) to fix them
11/02/2014 2:36 pm
Level 63 : High Grandmaster Engineer
Right, so thats the point of the TNT cannon turrets on this ship, they work in both 1.7 and 1.8. In 1.8 they gain the ability to control the elevation of the cannon and a bit of range. But they work fine in 1.7 as well. 

I actually made a video a few weeks ago talking about how to fix cannons for 1.8 and showing where some of the problems are:
11/02/2014 12:41 pm
Level 7 : Apprentice Explorer
Amazing, as always! You're amazing at redstone!
11/02/2014 1:38 pm
Level 63 : High Grandmaster Engineer
