Minecraft Servers

HollowWorld Medieval Fantasy Roleplay

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Level 39 : Artisan Network
HollowWorld Medieval Fantasy Roleplay
Status Offline Pinged: 10/30/24
Game VersionMinecraft Java
Medieval Fantasy Minecraft Server
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HollowWorld Medieval Fantasy Roleplay Minecraft Server


Welcome to HollowWorld - a dedicated medieval fantasy server that has been running and active since 2011

We welcome both new and experienced roleplayers!
Click here to join!

(We are a PG-14, whitelist server)

Features of the server include:
+ Dedicated and Active Staff
+ Campaigns and Staff-led Events
+ Player-led Events
+ Pantheon and Divine Magic System
+ Arcane Magic System
+ Multiple Races

And much more!

For more information, read on.

The World of Altera is layered with unique lore, fascinating history, a myriad of detailed, player-made cultures, and a selection of fantasy races that you can play. Roleplay can be found around every corner with every single character playing their own distinct role in the story of our world.


Our map is professionally made by
GuildsMC Terrain Design with expansive and dynamic landscapes tailored for the lands of Altera and beautiful builds, from cities to secret hideouts, designed by our dedicated playerbase. No two regions are the same and each has their own individual history for you to explore.
HollowWorld Medieval Fantasy Roleplay Minecraft Server
HollowWorld Medieval Fantasy Roleplay Minecraft Server


The newest addition to our list of over fifty story-enhancing plugins is HollowCrafting; our very own system for players to both harvest unique resources and craft a multitude of roleplay items. For more information on this plug in click here.

Some of the other plugins we use include:
+ mcMMO & mcMMO Horses
+ Brewery
+ Landlord
+ MC Jukebox
+ Pocket World
+ Dynmap
+ Custom Heads
+ HollowTravel (Fast Travel System)


On top of all this, we host frequent and exciting DM-led events and detailed, story-driven campaigns that are sure to keep you and your character on your toes. With all of this to look forward to, the only question left is; how will you make your mark on Altera?

We can’t wait to hear your answer.

To join our community as a roleplayer, a submission and approval of a whitelist application is required.

For further questions, register to our website and DM a staff member or join our discord and feel free to ask around!



5 Update Logs

1.18.1 Update : by Hollowworld 01/09/2022 4:34:29 pmJan 9th, 2022

Server updated to 1.18.1!

Community projects posted by members on this server

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02/07/2022 6:42 am
Any/All • Level 35 : Artisan Loremaster
Very hollow very hodor
01/22/2022 4:17 pm
She/Her • Level 46 : Master Goblin Artist
how does one get whitelisted? i can't find a link
01/22/2022 5:19 pm
She/Her • Level 46 : Master Goblin Artist
wait nevermind ignore my stupidity
03/08/2019 8:36 pm
Level 4 : Apprentice Miner
first time today! i like the lapis block.
10/01/2017 11:30 pm
Level 1 : New Network
It's been a year since I've typed my comment and after being inactive I've decided to return, It's still fantastic and I stand by my original comment. New players, If you're looking for some advice, I recommend you use the conquest texture pack. It should also be noted that staff is trying really hard to update our plug-ins to the current version of minecraft. As a wise dwarf once said it'll be done when it's done. But I digress. What needs to be said is that your experience of Role play will be what you make of it. Adhearing to some basic rules and guidelines which you can mainly attune to common sense most of the time will make your experience much better. There are multiple races and a few which are a bit harder to get into that you'll need permission for. Biggest thing is that you will need a skin If you can't find one you like you can use our community fourms and (usually) have one made. Speaking of fourms I highly suggest once you're whitelisted you use the fourms every day. Bookmark it, set it as your homepage you're going to need to visit it every day to keep up with happenings.

I'm looking forward to seeing you in the Northern Kingdoms.

See you soon.
07/31/2017 9:33 am
Level 15 : Journeyman Taco
Still going strong after 6 years.
11/01/2016 6:20 pm
Level 50 : Grandmaster Architect
I have played on a good number of Roleplay servers. Build many cities, mostly on one server I have stayed on for a year or two, My posts of my builds are the judges of that. But this server, from all I have played on has the best Roleplay, the most beautifull world as well as plugins and structure. I am amazed of the Deph of the lore, the size and diversity of the world, Now playing as a noble really feels like being part of a proper nobility, gaming for power with or against other Noble Houses. The staff is also great and the community as well. Compared to the last server I played on, which with its donation store was a pay to win server, Hollowworld is nothing like that, any player can become something on here, the ingame economy is the same for everyone, you work for your builds, for your char for your cities.

This is a Great Server, I have loved all the servers I played on, but Hollowworld is the best. It has the perfect Balance between Great in Deph Roleplay And a Fun and Great community. So Damnit stop reading this and just Join it!
11/01/2016 5:08 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
This is a fantastic server- the community is kind and close-knit and the lore here is indepth and ensnaring.
08/29/2016 11:44 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
A very unique and enjoyable experience. I highly recommend it.
08/29/2016 9:03 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
I came to this server for the medieval experience, I stayed for the people. Out of all the servers I have visited none have a stronger one than that of Hollowworld. From when I joined to the present the people in this server have been nice and helpful to me and I truly feel I have become one of them. The staff are active and very focused at engineering the best player experience that they possibly can. I strongly recommend this server to anyone and everyone.
