Minecraft Servers

RPDND - A 5e Dungeons & Dragons Roleplay Experience - 1.18.2

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Level 45 : Master Botanist
RPDND - A 5e Dungeons & Dragons Roleplay Experience - 1.18.2
Status Online! Pinged: 02/11/25
United States
Game VersionMinecraft Java
     RPDND (Roleplay DND Experience!)
          WW Freshly updated to 1.18! WW
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RPDND - A 5e Dungeons & Dragons Roleplay Experience - 1.18.2 Minecraft Server

Discord Invite: Here
Website Link: Here
Age Requirement: 16+ Years Old
No Applications for Civilians Only Adventurers
Greylist Server - Log in and roleplay
Version: 1.18.2
RPDND was created through the hard work of our volunteers and community. A welcoming environment ready to teach anyone how to play DnD or interact in a roleplay setting. We do not reject or discriminate you based on your orientation, religion, race, or even how long your beard is (I see you dwarves out there). Come to RPDND with good intentions and you will find a great community to be involved with. So join us as we play dungeons and dragons online.
CreditThe community who helped beta test and stuck with me since the beginning. The volunteers who took the time to get projects done in a timely manner. Thank you

6 Update Logs

Update #6 : by Kyazi 09/11/2024 7:52:45 pmSep 11th, 2024

Upcoming Changes: We are now in the process of updating to 1.20.4+ with a new map and new plugins

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02/10/2025 8:15 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Run of the mil and mid. Don't reccomende for real DND experience, stick to roll20. Gildorym was better for minecraft/dnd mixe
02/10/2025 9:38 am
Level 1 : New Miner
I’ve been playing on RPDnD for a few weeks now, and I honestly can’t recommend it enough! The events they host are always exciting, engaging, and well-thought-out. Whether you’re fighting monsters, just chatting with friends, or just enjoying a peaceful mining trip, there’s always something fun to get into.

What really stands out to me, though, is how welcoming and supportive the staff and community are. I’m new to D&D and roleplaying, and at first, I was a bit intimidated. But the team and community went above and beyond to help me learn the ropes—whether it was through tips on character creation, understanding the rules, or even just giving advice on how to immerse myself in the server. It’s clear that they truly care about making everyone feel included, whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned roleplayer.

The atmosphere is friendly, and everyone I've met has been super kind and open to newcomers. If you're looking for a place to roleplay, meet new people, and play minecraft in a non-survival way, this server is definitely the one to try!
02/08/2025 9:17 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
updated review
It's a decent run of the mill mcrp server that's been going for a good while
Some good some bad
Don't take it too seriously and if you do please go to therapy and touch some grass <3
02/08/2025 5:16 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
I became inactive on this server a long time ago due to being made very uncomfortable by a very long running line of events that themed strongly with dubious consent. An NPC was mind controlling a player and keeping them captive and eventually forcing that character into a romantic relationship with the NPC. Because the NPC and the player character were both played by staff, I felt really scared to speak up. Favoritim and bias have always been a really big problem on this server and usually disagreeing with staff gets you in major trouble and excluded from events. One person actively spoke up against this long running storyline and I even confided in her my discomfort and thanked her for actively fighting to make myself and my very small group of friends feel safer. Recently I found out that the person doing her best to protect players was removed, meanwhile the predatory staff members are still active and present.

The server owner also ignores worries about unsafe staff, and even if you make a ticket, the staff youre scared of can see it! You can't go to any staff you might feel safe with, because they cant do anything without a ticket! They're also so slow with tickets, it can several months for them to even say anything, but half the time, its that unsafe staff that answers you! Its really really corrupt here and full of predators.

Don't go here, its not safe!
01/30/2025 8:06 pm
He/Him • Level 1 : New Explorer
Joined a few days ago whn my server exploded.. found out real fast there's a lot of creepy ppl here on staff. The staff I sat in VC with kept yelling at his kids in the background, really uncomfie. It feels really predatory compared to other rp servers, and already hearing that you have to be friends with staff to get events and if you want actually good items you gotta be really good friend with them. Map is really nice though and I like the website but thts it
01/28/2025 4:13 pm
Any/All • Level 1 : New Explorer
I gave my everything to this server at a point. I was on several hours a day every day, I went out of my way to help others, and be a voice for those who were too afraid to speak up. I even became an architect to try and help the overloaded and overworked other volunteers.

It never occurred to me why people might be afraid to speak up until I got turned on.

This is a welcoming server, until you have an opinion. Until you speak up about someone making you uncomfortable. The server owner, Kyazi, will always claim that she wants people to speak up and to communicate, but will sigh and 'joke' about just closing the server whenever she has to deal with 'drama'. If people are vocal about problems, they are seen as being the problem.

They will take old, solved drama, old news, and use it to point fingers. They will claim they don't do this. It is a lie.

The volunteers, I will admit myself included at points, are exceedingly toxic in private chats. We would bemoan why wouldn't certain people leave, why haven't we banned people that cause so many real, actual problems. Why do we keep the minor who is preying on other minors and trying to get adult content from adults and minors alike? Because they're being 'investigated' in something else they claim. Something that should have took five minutes, instead took weeks.

Kyazi keeps everyone on a tight leash, which would be good. If it wasn't for the wrong reasons. As stated before, she will always sigh and tease of just closing the server when 'drama' happens. Maybe if she had the time to dedicate to the server as it really needs, these issues wouldn't be so rampant. But, I will say that her job is more important. Its good she recognizes that at least. If only she could recognize the staff she ignores. I don't even speak on myself being ignored on this point. Multiple people have gone through being staff because of the exhaustion of being unallowed to act. It was once said that volunteers of RPDND are always on a 'revolving door'. This is because whomever gets into Kyazi's ear first is going to be the 'victor' in cases. Her worry to disappoint paralyzes her and makes her lose out on so many opportunities and allows so many problems to become systemic.

If you ask for advice on how to improve, how to better your apparent wrongdoings, they will just give vague non-answers. You will never get a proper conversation with the staff here. It will always be vague and placating, if they bother to respond to you at all. I say this as someone who was one of their architects. Someone who poured everything they had into this server, these people. If you ask for proof of accusations against you, there will be none. You will get more information from non-volunteers, from random players about a situation, than the actual staff.

They will say they see you as a friend. They will say they care about you. But they are not your friends.

Its a good server if you want a casual rp experience in a DnD setting. Its good if you're lucky enough to become favored by them. But never trust them. Especially the 'volunteers'. Keep everything close to your chest. Nobody here will protect you, and if you dare to protect yourself, be ready to be thrown away.

It will be a wonderful experience while it lasts. The events will be fun, the builds beautiful. I will always recommend to at least give it a try. But never trust anyone in the RPDND community.

And for the volunteers I know will bemoan this in volunteer chat and all the little private groups. And to Kyazi who I know will read this but not the messages sent to her;

It was a fun time while it lasted. I wish you all had liked me enough to feel I deserved an actual conversation. I wish you had liked me enough to respond to my attempts at friendship outside of the server. I wish that any of you beside that ONE person talked to me instead of coming to ask me for favors and to do builds for you. I also wish you luck on everything the server tries to do in the future. I sincerely hope you finally fix the systemic issues that make the server a stepping stone instead of a pinnacle.

Keep improving, keep doing better, so that people like me stop getting hurt by people like you.
01/04/2025 5:07 am
Level 1 : New Miner
I absolutely adore this server, I've made such good friends and had some incredible RP. It's coming up to my one year anniversary of being a volunteer DM on this server and I hope there to be many more.
10/11/2024 1:58 am
He/Him • Level 5 : Apprentice Explorer
A wonderful server full of wonderful people. If you enjoy DND and RP its definitely the place for you. I've been here for about 3-4ish months and I enjoy my time there. Please give them a shot!

09/28/2023 4:20 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
I am new to reviews but oh well. This server's community is very charming and is always there to help you with whatever you may need and assist you if you are confused. They are overall a very friendly and charming community. Even though keep in mind this server is RP-focused so yes. If you are a roleplay fan then you will truly enjoy your time here! For example, I own a gem shop named Blossom's Bounty which excels in selling expensive gems! So yes.

You can do plenty of things! From buying pre-made shops or stalls to buying commercial plots to make your shop! You can also have a house! I do have a house and a shop and I am living a nice life so yes! This server might be confusing at first but once you get settled into it then you will get to love it just like mostly everyone who joins us stays with us. Thank you Kyazi and everyone else who took part in this amazing project! I welcome you all to RPDND!
09/26/2023 8:27 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
I haven't been around the server for very long, but I've enjoyed the hell out of my short time here. I look forward to getting more involved with the community over the next couple of months / years / etc. :> - Some Dweeb Tako
