( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Betrayed [Emotions Contest!] Minecraft Skin

This Skin is an entry in the completed Emotions Skin Contest.

Minecraft Skins

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Betrayed [Emotions Contest!]

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Level 45 : Master Nerd
My submission for the Emotions Skin Contest!

Perverse nothings
Cascade from your lips,
Attempting, attempting, attempting
To cushion the knife
In my back
With your fingerprints
On the hilt.

Smothered by grief
Too painful to ignore,
Like everyone else
Can seem to do.
I try, try, try
To call your bluff
And I fail.

I silently scream
As your golden essence
Slips through my fingers.
"Gone... Gone... Gone..."
The words sear
My innocent tongue
Like acid rain.

I fall to my knees,
Pounding my fists
Against the cemented floor.
Blood, blood, blood
Wells on my fingertips
And pools
With salty tears.

Infinite things I
Coulda, shoulda, woulda
Done to keep you with me.
The beast you tamed,
The one inside of me,
Wickedly grins
Clawing its way back out.

I writhe in pain
As I lose all control
Over the body in
Which I never
Truly had any
Control over
At all.

For these hallowed eyes,
Slowing heart,
And dying soul belong to
You, you, and you
And I refuse to let
You see me like this.

So I'll dig my hole
And never surface again.
This monster inside of me is
Evil... Evil... Evil...
So I'll kill it,
Along with my sanity;
Just to save you.

All For You...

    - Chloe Serna

Please, interpret this however you see fit, however;

here's my interpretation:
I tried to give the skin an overall dark look to make it clear it was a negative emotion. The back of her dress is blood stained and a bit tattered from literally being stabbed in the back. The blindfold is there to represent blindly putting trust into another person. (Haha get it, blind? haha??) In blindly putting her trust in someone, she wasn't able to foresee them approaching her with the knife they'd intended to use the whole time.

I really hope you guys like it! I'm actually incredibly proud of this one. ^^


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08/22/2014 2:39 pm
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08/24/2014 11:49 am
Level 45 : Master Nerd
why thank you ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
