Anchovy ~ GuP (Anzio Sensha-dō) Minecraft Skin
Minecraft Skins

Anchovy ~ GuP (Anzio Sensha-dō)

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Level 55 : Grandmaster Toast Waffle
🎨 Anchovy ~ GuP (Anzio School)
Here's Anchovy again, this time in Anzio's Sensha-dō Uniform.

Anchovy is the commander of the Anzio Girls High School Sensha-Dō team, operating her trusty Italian Carro Armato P40 and Carro Veloce CV.33.
With a fiery personality, Anchovy is rather hot-blooded and determined to achieve victory despite her school often losing tournaments,
and the school itself wasting money on parties, events and food, r
ather than focusing on Sensha-Dō.

Despite her exterior, Anchovy has a softer side, often proven by her genuine care for her teammates and comrades. She believes that a leader's duty is to bring victory to her team, but also values the bonds forged through friendship and camaraderie.

In battle, Anchovy's confidence make her a somewhat tricky opponent, but she's also not afraid to admit defeat and take responsibility for her team's frequent losses. With her charismatic personality and infectious enthusiasm, she's a natural-born leader who inspires her team to strive for excellence and live up to their full potential.

As a character who embodies the spirit of competition and camaraderie, Anchovy remains a dynamic and memorable presence in the world of Sensha-Dō, leaving a lasting impact on those she meets along the way.

Important Note:
I personally never understood the reason for her kinda sus looking armband.
However, it is part of the uniform in the anime, so I opted to keep it.
If you want a version without the armband. I've included this as well.
Anchovy ~ GuP (Anzio Sensha-dō) Minecraft Skin

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