Ascendance Of A Bookworm - Eglantine Minecraft Skin
Minecraft Skins

Ascendance Of A Bookworm - Eglantine

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Level 18 : Journeyman Dragonborn Procrastinator
Alas Eglantine is finished! She was a pleasant experience to create! My only issue was creating the folds in her cloak and making her hair look somewhat curly! Trying to make it look realistic/natural as well as fashionable was difficult. But both the folds on the dress and the curls in her hair were techniques I had used in my earliest skins that I restudied. But I think it turned out well in the end!

Although from what I know in AOAB's fandom how Eglantine is apparently a controversial character. Maybe I haven't read to that part yet because I steer clear of discussions of part 5 and beyond. But regardless, I tried to best capture her beauty through the limited colored references I could find off of google. As well as adding my own twist as well!

Either way, thank you to RozemynexFerdinand for requesting this skin! Happy to make another skin for a fellow fan of the series! (once again, still love the username haha)

If you have any skin requests, be sure to send me a message! Whether it be a direct message or a comment on one of my skins! My requests are open and they are free! So take advantage and don't be shy!

My reference
Ascendance Of A Bookworm - Eglantine Minecraft Skin
CreditRozemynexFerdinand Whom Requested it

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