Published Jan 4th, 1/4/25 4:17 am
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So, a long time ago I made a Minecraft skin of the Rahkshi Guurahk based on its set appearance. Now, I return after the success of the Vahki, bestowing movie-accurate Rahkshi skins based on their appearance in Mask of Light. Oh, but I didn't stop there. Above isn't even a Rahkshi featured in the movie, but rather a Rahkshi of Darkness (with a Shadow Kraata) that I've applied to the style. Took a moment for me to figure out how to do secondary armor colors on this template, but I did it.
Each of these skins include the Kraata colors they come with. The ones that appear in the movie also have more movie accurate Kraata variants that I'll include. Enjoy all 42 types of Rahkshi because holy hell this took some time.
Guurahk (normal, movie)

Lerahk (normal, movie)

Panrahk (normal, movie)

Kurahk (normal, movie)

Vorahk (normal, movie)

Turahk (normal, movie)

Rahkshi of Accuracy
Rahkshi of Adaptation
Rahkshi of Chain Lightning
Rahkshi of Chameleon
Rahkshi of Confusion
Rahkshi of Cyclone
Rahkshi of Darkness
Rahkshi of Density Control
Rahkshi of Dodge
Rahkshi of Elasticity
Rahkshi of Electricity
Rahkshi of Fire Resistance
Rahkshi of Gravity
Rahkshi of Heat Vision
Rahkshi of Ice Resistance
Rahkshi of Illusion
Rahkshi of Insect Control
Rahkshi of Laser Vision
Rahkshi of Limited Invulnerability
Rahkshi of Magnetism
Rahkshi of Mind Reading
Rahkshi of Molecular Disruption
Rahkshi of Plant Control
Rahkshi of Plasma
Rahkshi of Power Scream
Rahkshi of Quick Healing
Rahkshi of Rahi Control
Rahkshi of Shapeshifting
Rahkshi of Silence
Rahkshi of Sleep
Rahkshi of Slow
Rahkshi of Sonics
Rahkshi of Stasis Field
Rahkshi of Teleportation
Rahkshi of Vacuum
Rahkshi of Weather Control
Each of these skins include the Kraata colors they come with. The ones that appear in the movie also have more movie accurate Kraata variants that I'll include. Enjoy all 42 types of Rahkshi because holy hell this took some time.
Guurahk (normal, movie)

Lerahk (normal, movie)

Panrahk (normal, movie)

Kurahk (normal, movie)

Vorahk (normal, movie)

Turahk (normal, movie)

Rahkshi of Accuracy

Rahkshi of Adaptation

Rahkshi of Chain Lightning

Rahkshi of Chameleon

Rahkshi of Confusion

Rahkshi of Cyclone

Rahkshi of Darkness

Rahkshi of Density Control

Rahkshi of Dodge

Rahkshi of Elasticity

Rahkshi of Electricity

Rahkshi of Fire Resistance

Rahkshi of Gravity

Rahkshi of Heat Vision

Rahkshi of Ice Resistance

Rahkshi of Illusion

Rahkshi of Insect Control

Rahkshi of Laser Vision

Rahkshi of Limited Invulnerability

Rahkshi of Magnetism

Rahkshi of Mind Reading

Rahkshi of Molecular Disruption

Rahkshi of Plant Control

Rahkshi of Plasma

Rahkshi of Power Scream

Rahkshi of Quick Healing

Rahkshi of Rahi Control

Rahkshi of Shapeshifting

Rahkshi of Silence

Rahkshi of Sleep

Rahkshi of Slow

Rahkshi of Sonics

Rahkshi of Stasis Field

Rahkshi of Teleportation

Rahkshi of Vacuum

Rahkshi of Weather Control

Gender | Other |
Format | Java |
Model | Alex |
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