~Black Mask - Roman Sionis~ (DC Comics) Minecraft Skin
Minecraft Skins

~Black Mask - Roman Sionis~ (DC Comics)

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That Morbid Banter
Level 25 : Expert Network
"I'm not happy, you all know,
I'm not happy, and despite appearances...
...this ain't a damned smile on my face.
-Roman Sionis

Roman Sionis, better known by his criminal alias Black Mask, is a longtime enemy of Batman and one of the most prominent figures in Gotham City's organized crime.

Once a member of Gotham's social elite and president of makeup giant Janus Cosmetics, Roman's own poor business sense led to a series of decisions that largely destroyed his reputation as both. Humiliated, Roman sought revenge on those he perceived to be responsible for his misfortunes - namely, Bruce Wayne and his company. To this end, Roman created the identity of the crimelord named Black Mask, as well as the criminal organization known as the False Face Society.

Black Mask everybody! Wonder why I have so many skins with skulls on them... weird...
CreditTom Mandrake

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