Blood Soaked Ghoul Minecraft Skin
Minecraft Skins

Blood Soaked Ghoul

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Level 6 : Apprentice Explorer
Hey all, first submission here :)

I found this by someone with the name EliranBreitbart, and it LOOKED like it had invisible parts. I was mistaken...

From the comments posted by others, he used another skin and edited it.

As such, I would like to point out I HAVE NOT FULLY CREATED THIS SKIN. I have added bits as the invisible parts will appear black, so I tried to improve upon it.

I have no idea who the original creator is, but congrats on quite a good skin, and I hope I havn't annoyed anyone by editing it somewhat :)

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09/22/2011 5:05 pm
Level 6 : Apprentice Explorer
If too many people mistake this for a skin that makes you invisible, then I will go back and paint over all the parts so it is clearer to others :). Comments would be appreciated too haha.
